(Anyone not mentioned is solely through my fault and lack of rest last night)
Praise is indeed due, you guys put on a mean event.
You are an cruelly descriptive person your description of certain scenes and mods made me shiver a bit. The description of the orphanage was shocking and painful to hear. Your NPCs were awesome and drew people to them like moths to the flame and your plot was very fun and thought out.
You are a devilishly cunning and quite mercyless creature and I shall forever have a bit of rancor in my heart for the near stomping which you and Holly issued me Saturday night by the cabin. I had never been in a protracted fight so evenly matched and that 5 mins alone took the wind out of my sales and beat me. I also have never expected to start an event in such a predicament, thanks for making me feel like a hog tied pin cushion
, and for being thoughfull in your Sunday nigth scaling. It was fun to see a bad guy react intelligently to a nasty quicksilver curveball by sending ouy a mixture of his regulars with some stone mixed in. It kept me guessing and off pace until the spirit of the hunter called me out.
Wow- I can cry in a scene if its sad, and my character is often unsure of himself. but never did I expect to be on my knees sobbing in front of 3 strangers in the moonlight begging for my life to be easier. Nor did I ever think I could be so instilled with rigtheous fury. It was quite cathartic and I loved it.
I absolutly loved the attention which was paid to certain details of your plot and our whole group couldn't have been more seamlessly intergrated into the weekend plot so thanks on behalf of all members of Lifestorm for your extra effort.
To all NPCs,
You guys rocked, I said it on Monday and I know plot team would agree. You couldn't ask for more energy, enthusiasm and patience in a monster camp. Despite several of you being newer to the game, you still challenged those around you through RP and fighting.
Fuzzy Mugs,
FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODZs! I needs it... you supplied it... that makes you guys awesome in my book.
For making this all possible and for not wearing a full plate armor on Saturday nigth otherwise I may not have enjoyed my weekend. I think its important that we all encourage travel around the alliance as friendships are formed both in and out of game and you went out of your way to make sure we felt welcomed to your chapter.
To the Players,
This is an awesome group, from costuming, to RP and good clean fighting. You guys are utlimatly the vehicle which drives not only alliance seatle but alliance as a whole. Be proud of that fact because you guys are the reason for it all.
Thanks to all from the bottom of my heart
Paul Foisy AKA Jehan