Thanks for a Good Event


Just wanted to take a minute, now that my mind and body have started to recover from the cold, to say thank you to everyone for a good event.
We all overcame the mud, ice, and cold and hopefully you all had as much fun as I did.
Thanks to Plot for the interest stories.
Huge thanks to all of the NPCs without whom the events would never be as fun.
Welcome and thanks to the CARPS players who joined us, hopefully we'll see more of you again.
And finally, thanks to John, Allison, Ian, and Becky for all their behind the scenes work so that we have an event to attend and food to eat.
See you in May.
I second everything Matt said. The non-PCing side of things can be a huge pain along with being ultra time consuming. I appreciate everybody, players, staff, and NPCs for making this such as great game to come and enjoy. I had a great time and plan on posting up feedback on another thread when I can quit being foggy headed from lack of sleep :). Thanks again all you rock and I can't wait till May.
I do want to say sorry for being a grumpy grump pants. the weather brought out the crabby in me.