Thanks for all the help!


Just wanted to say thanks again tas everyone that helped Durl getting his circlet back, I'm gonna try real hard not to lose it again. Durls still got that Urn thing in case we needs ta use it again, Liddia said maybe somebody wants to move some of the magics offa it, that'd be okay too. So anyway onto the thanking part.

Thanks Raif fer trading yer armor for Durls things back, that was real nice of yas, I'm glad ya gots it back later.
Thanks Dramthin fer keeping a cool head and talking to the spiders when we found the talky ones, that was probably a real good idea.
Thanks Liddia fer using yer magics to activates the waystone fer Durl so he could goes.
Thanks Marcena, en Hengin, En Kyrie, En Sae Azka, En anyone Durls forgetting fer coming along to help.

You are mos' welcome, Durl. T'ank you for getting me all soaked so to turn me back into my natural form. Dhat was a good idea.

You are welcome. I would like to thank you and everyone else that went with to retrieve the urn. You were able to go, and come back with sucess before those that stayed were even able to gather the needed materials. With out your strength and determination we would not have been able to depart so soon. The entire land owes you graditude.

Thank You,
Liddia FallingStar Mistress of Mushroom Hallow