Thanks for the fun!


We missed the final notes of the weekend so I didn't get a chance to tell everyone what a terrific time I had playing my first game! Thank you so much to everyone, staff, pc's and npc's alike, for treating this newbie with so much patience and kindness. I had a blast!

I'm glad you are playing now! You did really well, back story prepared and everything : )

(also, in case you weren't sure.. I was in no way mad at you OOG.. or IG anymore for that matter.. I forgot to mention that.. I don't want to scare people.. )

Hope to see you again at the next games!

Oh, I knew you weren't mad at me OOG. (IG you really stressed out Chicken Leg Jack though. I wish I had been there to see it. You must have been formidable!)

I hope you didn't think I was really upset OOG. I've never LARPed before, but I've done a lot of street acting and RPGs so emotions (along with crocodile tears) are pretty easy for me to dredge up when necessary.

I'm looking forward to playing again!
Oh good.. I don't want to scare new players.. : ) Poor Chicken Leg.. I'll be nice to him next time.

Heya Judy,

It was great to see you getting into game - your roleplaying and costume were fantastic, and I really look forward to seeing you in game again in the future!!

Thanks Bryan! You're very kind. I was very nervous at first (even mispronounced my own damn name, twice), but I had a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to playing again.
