

I would like to thank everyone who came out to any of the events thus far this year. I loved running plot for those who pushed to be active in it, which was most of our player base. Specifically I would like to thank those who put forth the effort to make it to the long event this past weekend; I had a great time role-playing and bringing some plots to an end while others stay alive. I also had a great time role playing this weekend. I felt as though a lot of people stayed in game more-so this weekend then any event we have had thus far this season. I also think we all should send a barrage of e-mails/posts to Shawn(sp)/Rupert to get him to come back and bring more friends because he was absolutely hysterical.

I wish Chad, Travis, and Chris the best of luck in starting up, and hope you all give them as much help as you gave our plot team. I hope you all had a fun time, and hope you continue to have a fun time doing all the plot that is yet to come. That being said I do want to let you all know I will be taking a sabbatical from Alliance while I focus on school, my upcoming marriage and various other obstacles. I will be attempting to make it out to an event here or there, but more then likely not until the second thing on my prior list is done. Hope you all have a great time till then and take care.

Let me first give a HUGE "Thank you" to Jason (AKA Tank), Asa, and Joe. You guys did a great job running this past year and I really appreciate your hard work and efforts towards entertaining our PC's.

Event Thanks:

Chad, Travis, and Chris: Thank you guys for coming out to support the last event of our Plot team! Throughout the weekend it seemed like you guys really worked together well and the transition has been seamless.
All the PC's who NPC'ed: HUGE thanks! We have always been a little light in the NPC area and with all the PC's that stepped up to NPC & Crunch, it helped out Plot team immensely.
Becky Fleming: You rock and so does your Food! Thank you so much for coming out and feeding all of us. We all really appreciate it!
All the PC's that made it out: This one is obvious. Without all of the support our Players give us, we wouldnt have a chapter. Thank you all for coming out and keep coming out! You are what makes this Chapter great!
Sean Meltzer: HOLY LONG TRIP, BATMAN! Thanks for coming out man! Thats an intense trip to make by yourself! Im gonna be scheduling a "SoMI invades <Insert Chapter that Rupert is at> Trip" early next year! Prepare for the onslaught!!!!

I had a good time this weekend. Its always pretty demoralizing when you lose a fight.... and then ANOTHER fight.... and about 300 gold in Scrolls, Components, Potions, Gasses, and Cold Hard Cash....... but it really makes me, as a Player, appreciate the fact that no matter how hard you prepare for a fight, there is ALWAYS the possibility of losing!

Cant wait to beat the <insert inappropriate comment here> out of that Dracolich!!

Although only there a short time, Chris and I had a good time. Thanks for including her in some new plot, she was really excited, especially because we haven't been around lately due to medical crap. Also, Joe thanks for all the greater gypsy curses that made sense of Quinn/me not being able to fight or run, it was fun role playing for me. And, Becky, the food was really good.

I'd also like to thank everyone on behalf of myself and my cousin ("twin").

It was our first LARPing experience and even though it was er... slightly awkward and whatnot at first, we had a good time and you guys were great to play with/alongside and to learn from.

I would list individual thank-yous but honestly, I know (but couldn't possibly be asked to spell) most of your characters' names, but few of your actual names... and apart from that, the list would be... substantially long. So in general, thanks to everyone for any and all tips and advice!

It got really intense for me when we were held up inside of that cabin and were all piling into Alibaster's circle in order to spirit walk and escape.
One particular female... I can't say who (it was hectic in there!) screamed LET ME IN! which rang in my ears above all other sounds and yelling going on. I think that made it the most real for me. I was already in the circle, and not even having a clue who she was, I was terrified for her! You don't often hear someone screaming for their life out in the real/lame world. :]

The first dracolich fight was pretty cool too, although it was probably much cooler PC-side. Apologies to those we hit too hard and/or charged!

It was crazy to me that someone actually permed, I didn't expect to see that at my first event. But I guess thats "life", and makes it all the more epic!

Also important, thank you for not letting us die! I went down pfff, probably 5 times?... and appreciated every second of Healing Arts question-asking and every variation of Cure spell that I was given, and I'm sure the same goes for Chris (/Vel/the other brown-clad elf noob).

I knoowwww you guys didn't let that lizardman thing come chasing after us on purpose! How rude!

Hopefully our next event will involve much less heat and mosquitoes, equally interesting/scary plot, and all of you there again! Thanks to you all, for everything!

OH! And yes, the food was delicious! Thank you Becky! Such a well-behaved puppy dog too, she(?) was adorable!

I wanted to thank everyone for such a great time this weekend. I think I can speak for the whole of the new plot team that we are very excited to be taking over from Tank, Asa, and Joe. We had a really great time and a smooth transistion this last weekend that would not have been possible if not for their plotting skills and great set up. I especially had fun running the head of the lich this weekend. I would apologize for bashing people with it... but I'm simply not sorry about it, far far to much fun. Thanks for the prop Asa!

Anyway thanks very much to the PCs, and all those NPCing this past weekend! Please tell all your friends about the Nov 11th event. It will be a very large one and we are putting as much effort as possible to making it a good one. We need as many NPCs as possible for the event. Goblin stamps earned will be doubled for the event. This can included volentary NPCing (outside of any doublehook) by PCs if you do so for a certain period of time.

If you have any questions for our plot team please let us know here or you can privately email us. I'll post up a formal email asap but in the mean time you can forward emails to the normal IBGA email.

Once again thanks for all the fun this weekend guys! See you for the war in November!!

Travis/Zane/Plot Guy/Random Lich
Tank - Thank you so much for the great plots, constant reminders to everybody in the chapter to stay in game, great make up, great role play, and being a friend both in and out of game through the year.

Asa - Thanks for the same things. I was really having fun with the Darkclaw stuff, he freaked me out so often. You did a great job and thank you for keeping plot alive last year. I got to know you more out of game this year than ever before and it was cool.

Joe - You know your my boy! Thanks so much for running stuff tirelessly at all hours of the day and night. You really kept the downtime to a minimum and it was much appreciated.

Chad, Chris, and Travis - You guys did a freaking amazing job with role play and combat both this weekend. It was challenging and fun as hell to play opposite you three. I look forward to the next year of plot!

Becky - That food was freaking amazing! The apple desert was probably the best desert I have ever had. It was also fun watching you keep Doug in his place :D.

Stevie - Thanks for the great storyline and role play. I really get into it and love the role play that the spear has led to.

Stevie, Allison, GJ, and whoever else helped - Thanks for the undead hit squad. Always scary as hell knowing they are out there.

Amanda, Vicki, and Matt - Thanks for coming from Chitown! It was awesome to have you guys come.

Shaun (sp) - Thanks for making the trip out dude! It was awesome to RP with Rupert and we would love to see you more often.

Kate - I am happy that you got to come for at least one event. It is always a pleasure grouping up with ya.

TC - Thanks for coming from Canada eh! Always fun to have such a great rogue buddy.

Sterling and Bev - Thanks for coming down it was cool to have you guys there.

New Elves that I missed the names of and Bayless (sp) - Glad you three could come and I hope to see you every time we have a gathering.

HoG, Reliance, and OEF, It is always fun for me to play with you all. I like all the members of each group and can't wait to see you all again in November.

Justin and Chris - It was awesome like usual to see you guys there. Hopefully you come back and join the town, and the HoG :D.

John B. - It is about time we got to see you again! Don't be a stranger.

Doug - As always you make this game awesome for me, thank you.

Brooks - Freaking awesome dude! One of the best mods ever! And its always fun to play with Yonkee.

Thank you all for making Alliance so much fun to be a part of! If I missed anybody I am sorry but people are probably already tired of reading this post :).
i am sneaking away from a wife with the flu and two kids running amok so this will be short.

Thank you everyone that has run plot up to this point. I have always enjoyed SOMI. Bob is more of a merchant, so please do not take offense when he does not bit your hooks. Both Bob and Dave have been having a great time.

Tank, if you need a registered priest guy...let me know. I have done 6 weddings in the past and would be happy to officiate yours if you do not have someone in mind. I am also perfectly happy not officiating as school just started up and I am wrapping my mind around a whole new subject.

If there is ever anything I can do to return the time, energy and spirit you have put into our game, please let me know.

Thanks to Asa, Stevie and Joe too for all the plot up to now. See you all soon

why did the event have to be so hot in the beginning? why??? I don't like heat, at all. not at all.

I enjoyed the dynamic that was the dragon fight. Watching him put his transform up and down, that was really cool. I also like the ambiance that the rope lights gave to the field. I really liked it when I learned I could hit the tail! That took me out of the fight mentally for yonkie, because he became fixated on the tail, must kill tail! Good fight,

a couple shout outs,

asa - nice work dude. I really appreciated you making the camp safe when i pointed out those guide lines on the pole. And you did it soo fast! Also your dragon head was inspired. All the props you have done are freken sweet.

Joe, you beat me up, but you also lifted me up. I've really appreciated your attitude, and you tireless spirt!

Tank - nice work all around. You will be missed, but enjoy getting hitched! congrats by the way. You were the first terminate I didn't use a rock for! That must make you feel special :)

Becky - one word, yummy!

Shawn - freken good to see you man! I also bet you were glad I was there to!

as allways it was great seeing everyone, even people I haven't seen in a while. There is a reason why I make the 9 hour drive to SOMI.


Thanks for a supreme weekend everyone. So many things going on, I don't know where to start.

Tank and Asa: thank you so much for letting me run plot with you two. I learned a lot about story construction, statting, all kinds of things. I appreciate the opportunity and hope to take what I learned and continue.

Travis, Chad, and Chris: Good luck with the upcoming season. I am excited to see what you have going on, I know it will excellent.

To all the PCs: You guys kept me sharp, all season long. Thanks for putting up with my mods, and giving me a chance to grow as a plot guy.

A couple of favorite moments from this weekend.

"Voice-Control Undead: Buck-up"

So many spellstrike Prisons.

Mathis and crew jumping all over my puzzles. It was cool. I just need to up my game next time. ;)

Spending 15min in town as the Captain and managing to piss everyone off. It's great when your out of game and you hear. "Man, we gotta paste that guy" Also hearing Casan's ultamatum. Priceless.

The aftermath of the water mod. I wish I would have seen it. It looked like a great time.

Chatting with Bev.

Overall a great time. I can't wait to see what's in store for November.

I wasn't even there.....yet you guys have given me great incentive to get my tooshy out there asap! Why oh why must your next event be in November when there is absolutely zero chance of me being able to go!?