That Stormbringer fellow

I don't even know what to say! Our village was being attacked by all these weird yellow things, just running around and zapping people left and right. My neighbor's poor little son almost didn't get to the town healer in time, but then this elf in a spiffy gold cloak swooped in and made sure he could get away! Before I knew it the animentals (I think that's what he called them) were all gone and everything was back to normal. I just wanted everyone to know that there are real heroes out there!

Duffy Smith
Yeah, Duffy, but you didn't have to pick up his bar tab! Heroics aside, that guy cost our town an arm and a leg - heck, more like seven of each! We coulda handled it fine if the town guard had been doin' their jobs. Sandor's Glen's been through worse than this.

"Stanky" Pete Halverson
Resident Codger

You didn't see it..the man is a hero and saved our lives! We should all dig deep and come up with something.

Johny Halverson
I'll admit, I was terribly scared and didn't see much of what went on; but I"m just awful glad we're safe. Thank you stranger, thank you!

I've been saving up a bit, so I'll gladly toss a few coins towards a collection.

- Kline Telander
Plus, I must say that he cut a rather stunning figure single-handedly fighting off those lightning monsters: sword shining, hair flying in the wind! A handsomer hero I have never seen. Thank you, Augustus Stormbringer! The people of Sandor's Glen will never forget your bravery.

Ingrid Cooper
Please don't pay Stormbringer. Send him my ways, I'll reward him on your behalf. Please keep your money to build your community.

Hunter Davion