The 1st Manner's Debate

Alliance Chicago

Chicago Staff

The First Manner's Debate of 1224 is almost upon us. This Ascension Year Rathfall tradition explores matters of great import to the City and its people, handling each topic with a gravitas and decorum befitting Rathfall’s station in the Grimere Expanse.

Any Rathfall House noble of rank, from the the lowliest cupbearer to the most esteemed Baron, is allowed to vote for the outcomes of a debate, though all in attendance are encouraged to participate in the enlightening discourse.

We shal host three total debates this year, but each noble can only participate in one, so choose your debate wisely. The first debate shall commence in but a few days on Hex 20th, 1224; the second shall commence in late Autumn on October 30th, 1224; and the final at the Winter Feast on Undekko 12th, 1224 .

The debating Interlocutors of each debate shall be announced as they approach.
The first Debate shall include:
Prince Consort Bryas Montague-Rumill
Prince Governor Tristan Rumill

All Debates will unfold over two rounds, each with three distinct phases:

Before any discussion begins, all participating nobles must declare their voting participation to the First Manner Society Docent moderating the debate who shall distribute voting pebbles as appropriate.

First, the Proclamation phase.
When signaled, the first Interlocutor, as chosen by the Docent, will announce a policy or topic for debate. They shall then present their vision on that topic or policy with a rousing polemical speech while heeding a six-minute threshold. After the first speech concludes, the second Interlocutor shall rise and respond with a counter-speech and, if they so choose, a counter-policy proposal, again while maintaining a tight six-minute length.

Next, we move onto the Negotiation phase.
Participating nobles will hold 20 minutes of negotiation, persuasion, and discourse to forge and annul alliances. One might convince others to support or oppose the policy. Non-nobles are encouraged to participate in the Negotiation phase and can offer advice, insight, future promises, or other deals to sway opinions. The Interlocutors may participate, but are not required to do so.

Finally, we proceed to the Voting phase.
Each nobles is allotted votes based on their rank, with a single vote to novitiate nobles and three to landed gentry. Nobles can split their votes or trade them to proxies as they see fit.

There will be three jars: one for each Interlocutor and a third for a ‘no confidence’ vote, should both options prove unconvincing. Each noble, or their proxy, shall cast their votes before the assembly by placing pebbles into the jars of their choice.

At the End of the Round, the votes are declared.
The Docent shall reveal the votes all at once. The Interlocutor who receives a majority of the votes is declared the Speaker Triumphant and gains 'sway' or 'preeminence'. Should No Confidence receive more votes than either speaker, the Docent shall declare the debate Rotten and neither Interlocutor shall receive preeminence for the round.

Preeminence Allocation:
At the end of all the First Manners’s Debates, the group with the most preeminence will receive full and unflinching support from the entirety of the First Manner Society, a consortium of nobles from across the realms equal in strength to a major house, to vote as they see fit. As such, the winner of these debates will gain outsize influence over the final vote of the Triumvirate. So, choose your alliances and votes carefully, for they may determine the fate of the realm.

And with that, let the debates begin!

-Docent Angelo Sigloid of the First Manner Society