The alchies


Chicago Staff
Hey mang, I hear theres this buncha guys in a Alchemies group who knows all the alchemies in Valdany. I'ma good wit the alchemies and wanna get better. Who do I talks wit 'bout this, mang? Smudge
That really depends... most of the time, but I can send a message to some one for you to get in touch with... iffin' ya like.
My mistress Celeste can teach you all you would like to know about dhe Alchemy. If you so want, I will let you copy my book. No charge, of course.

Fortune And Love,

Great Master Alchemist of the HEART Alchemist Guild of Valdanis
Yeah yeah yeah, Eldee, yous send letters, thats be good - we work somethin' out, mang.
Who Celeste? He alchemee headman? I talks with him, mebbe. Who'r you, Marcee? What's in yer book? Smudge
We have met before, Smudge. Although it was quite some time ago and I was in quite a different state. I was dhe blood-covered Dog-shaped Romani when you met me.

Anyway, in my book are all dhe mixes you can make in Alchemy for different effects. I will let you copy off of it, if you like.

Celeste is a lady. She is dhe Guildmistress of dhe HEART, dhe Guild of Alchemists like you and me.

Fortune Find You,

Yeah yeah yeah, yer the doggirl nada scavvee, we's got some meats. I's copy yer book, mang - we works something out. Whasa HEART mean? If theys alchemees, wanna get with them, mang. Smudge
Is just dhe name of dhe Guild of Alchemists. Ask Celeste what it means if you want to join. I don' remember, myself.
You dunno the name of yer tribe, mang? Thats kinda weird. Sure you guys worth joinin'? Smudge
It is dhe HEART. Is what it is called. I know what we do and dhat is enough for me. Joining is definitly wort' dhe time and effort put forth! As an initiate, you get to learn under grand masters and buy all your alchemy at cost (so long as dhe guild turns a profit, of course) and you are using your skills for everyone in Valdanis and abroad. Is a nice organization to be a part of. :)
Am already masters, mang, don't need ta leern lotsa, less you guys know sumptin' most don't, mebbee could teech you guys some t'ings. Are you the only member, there others, mang? I know lotsa dog scavees, not so many doggirls. Help an' cheep alchemees is good, yeah, but ya can't eets em, can ya, mang? Smudge

Contact Celeste on joining H.E.A.R.T. It is a good alchemy guild to join. They may have something too teach you.

Lord Bane

I am a member of H.E.A.R.T as well. It stands for Horn's End Alchemical Research and Training. Celeste is a good person to know and a great teacher.

Many blessings,