The ARC Welcomes Bryan Gregory

I don't remember seeing it posted anywhere on the old board, so I'll post it.

Very recently the Alliance Rules Committee brought on its newest member, Bryan Gregory. Bryan is our first West Coast member and we are very excited to have him aboard.

So please join me in congratulating Bryan.

ARC Member
Alliance HQ General Manager
Congratulations new ARC guy!
Grats Bryan!

Why's it always gotta be a guy?
No owners have submitted any women to be members of the ARC. And women are probably just too smart to take the job anyway.
Grats Bryan!!:)
YAY Congrats to Bryan I am sure he will do a good job for us on the WC.
Thanks, everyone! I'm still just getting my feet wet but it's been great to see how ARC works and to get exposed to the process. There's some very interesting stuff coming up for the Alliance, and I appreciate the opportunity to be part of it on a national level.
¡booyah! gratz!
Congrats! :)
You fool..I mean congratulations Bryan!!!!!!!!!!!