The Beacon #9


My Friends, Fellows, Employers, and Citizens of Briarpass,

For those who are not aware the Beacon has never before been written by my hand, penned in a time of war by Sera Kyrie Ave, although she wrote it under the name Delia Thorne to avoid the repercussions of her words. The king in his wisdom decreed that this had not been a crime, but the very essense of what he envisioned the citizens of his kingdom to do. To speak out against what they saw was wrong and push together against that which was against our way of life. Kyrie has since let the beacon smolder, the last flickers of it's light reaching out to us from recent history. I have decided to revive this tool the king himself treasured and praised and can only hope that my words kindle the light the Beacon was always ment to shine with.

In this beacon I wish to address two injustices to which I have been a party, the first I have been guilty of myself. Most of use who visit Encampment 42 are unused to nobility, indeed our own Lady Knights where historically some who were the most aggressive in not letting a noble title stand in their way to speak out against things. It has been troubling to me to see the knight spend half their time demanding my allegiance in battle, risking my safety and that of my friends in assaults that are sometimes overly bold especially from my own point of view as I lack the adventuring spirit most seem to have in these parts. These actions however are taken for the good of the kingdom, and with the design to help protect those with less resources, or skills, then we have, and while I might wish the costs we expend in such endeavors to be more recognized, and the treasure to be better tended to, the Knights are acting rightly in intent and action in most cases. Even if an assault is an over reach, it is their duty to perform it and I, along with others, have been a voice of dissention at times. This needs to stop, the Knights for good or ill have been granted the authority to lead us into battle, and while it may be that someday in the future we must lay the costs of these actions at their doorstep, or that of their lords, and requests our grievances be heard, it is not our right to do so precipitiously.

To this end, I will support the Knights when demanded, although I will continue to voice any concerns in private, and can only hope that the trust I am placing in them does not bring ill to my family of defends, and the families we protect.

The second half of the Knights time seems to be spent bringing a number of charges up against those they feel do not give them the proper respect. Indeed this last market day I was brought before a Duke known for swift actions against those commiting treason for my words spoken in anger. I am not a man used to being worthy of notice of those in such positions, and indeed I was hurt by the method used to arraign the meeting, as it was billed as a discussion between I and the knights, not an informal reading of charges of theft and treason.

In the end I was honored that the Duke agreed with me both that my words were not treasonish, although they walked the line far more closely than they ever should have, nor was I guilty of theft. For those interested in the supposid 'theft' during the banquet a number of items where taken off the Duke, and they remain in my safe care until I can return them, or surrender them to the King as he decides. This was understood before hand, there was also a scroll taken from his head man at arms that I was holding onto in the same fashion, as I considered anything being held by the Duke's Principle security to be his as well. The knights took offense to this, or were reacting to a concern from another, although with the weight of authority comes the responsibility, choosing to act on a concern gives it credence and weight and that act in itself is a judgement. I freely admitted what I had, indeed I would have been glad to provide an accounting at any time of the items I was holding in trust, and was disappointed such a matter would be first confronted in front of such a high authority known for swift, severe action.

In the end the Duke agreed I was not guilty of theft, the scroll was mine to do with as I will but should not be considered the Duke's property. To that end I gave this up on the knights request, I gave up a powerful, expensive scroll that ended up in the hands of the group of Sera Zanabanath, purchased by her guild master in a fair auction. It troubles me that I was required to surrender something that by duchal authority was recongized as mine, it troubles me even more that I alone was demanded to 'pool' the resources found from that battle and either not a single copper more was found that night, or others are not held to the same standard.

All the above is ment to say that too much of the knights time is wrapped up in such matters, and it is principle the fault of us, those who serve them. When you disrespect a knight, you force them to waste valuable time dealing with the matter, when you chose to report a concern of theft to them privately without looking into the situation closely yourself you place them in a position to have to spend a great deal of time on the matter to ferret out the truth. We each need to watch ourselves carefully to avoid disrespecting the knights when at all possible, even when passions are enflamed. If not for my habit of dealing with them harshly it might have been more likely they would have taken the above matters up in private. Let us give the knights the respect their positions deserve, regardless of any personal disagreements, doing so will allow them the time to confront more serious matters.

Finally we come to the last subject to need light shown upon it, James Buchaneon has been arrested and resides in the King's custody, indeed he has already been there for a month. When will the promised trial come for him to air his greivances? Twice before a trial has been promised, under such terms as now currently exist. Buchaneon may have been delievered into the king's authority by my fulfillment of a duchal request and the knights completion of their duty. It is now time for the King to deliver on his promise of a trial, not after the war is done, but as soon as possible, expediantly.

When the Regency needed his help, His Grace did his duty, the Boarsmen where essential in the vampire war in multiple battles, his vast fields are well tended and his wagons rolled ceasely across the borders of the baronies to feed our people. I call upon the King to fulfill his promises, as I know a man of such standing and honor will, do so with haste and deliberate action. Do not leave one of the first promises to your people to lay fallow, try this man of responsibility and honor in the court and resolve these issues so the Barony of Buckland can once again take its rightful place as a land that tends to its neighbors in a time of need, fulfills it's promises, and stands as an example of strength for the rest of Briarpass to emulate.

It is my hope that the king and his vassals beneath him will hear and agree with my words, but if in his wisdom he decides on a different path, I will still serve in all my duties.

I will not stand behind a pseudonym, instead taking full responsibilities for my words.

-Enan Bluewater
Keeper of the Azure Keep
Enan it is good you do not stand behind a psuedomyn as it shows soundness of character to not hide behind a false name. I support your choice to bring the beacon back to use as information is key and perhaps this will lead to it being shared better among the nobility, the adventurers, and the commoners alike. However I do want to clarify one comment to any who may be confused. Although I am Duke Raashes will incarnant and yes I am harsh in task and deed, I am ofcourse but his knight in service. You said you meet with the knights and the Duke. Just to be clear you meet with the knights and the Dukes knight who did carry his voice so yes in a fashion you meet with him. I simply want to be clear for there were many younger adventurers in town who may not understand I am but a humble blade and not his Lordship.

Leader of the Ducal Army, Expert of Mountain Defense, And Raashes Will

Sir Ganavan Bovar
My apologies Sir Bovar, the last weekend was trying and I am by no means a stranger to the occasional mistake as anyone can tell you.

No problem Enan. I just wanted to be clear. But please call me Sir Ganavan as I am but a humble knight of the old code.


Sir Ganavan
Barrister Bluewater,

Is telling lies and making up stories about people libel or slander?

Just curious,


Eve and the Other Adventurers of Wayside,

It is my assessment that there is a pervasive trend of a failure to respect each other within Wayside. It is by this perpetual trend of mutual disrespect that the adventuring community continues to spiral and repeat the same unending arguments. By continuing to pursue this path you foster and widen the divisive gaps within the community.

It is a simple axiom; if you give respect, you in turn shall receive it.

To give respect and be resolute in your actions to weather the withering and poisonous attacks on your character without retaliating is evidence that you are pursuing the path of honor. Continuing to attack, defame, and not respect others will continue to provide evidence that you are pursuing a different path. By following that path you will, in the end, have to answer and atone for your choices and actions.

In short, respect the nobility, respect the knights who represent the nobility, and respect each other. By following this path Wayside will be all the stronger. Divided we are weak, united in purpose our resolve will be insurmountable.

May the Light guide you and may Shadow guard your path.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
Warlock of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
tennyo.san said:
Barrister Bluewater,

Is telling lies and making up stories about people libel or slander?

Just curious,


I'll take this a pointed question, let's speak privately Eve, as I'm sure you would agree neither of us can possibly know both sides fully until we do such.

If anyone has an issue with the facts presented please let me know, Ideally privately but you have every right to produce your own counter edition, I am willing to produce retractions if I make any errors or significant omissions as I by no means believe I know everything involved.

-Enan Bluewater