The Corrupt - an Inquiry


What exactly is a "Corrupt"? Are they a being of tainted flesh? Tormented Spirit? Twisted Elemental? Anti-chiral spirital alignment? Why are they of a concern?

Creatures of a cursed nature, they have a hive mind and spread like locusts. They adapt to what they are fighting and have no other goal then to convert the entirety of whatever stands in front of them into one of them. In the sheltered lands, where Gaden resides, the corrupt killed all the living dragons who once tried to stop the corrupt's advance. Over 80 percent of the sheltered lands are occupied by the corrupt if the history books are to be believed. They are an imposing enemy and I suggest those of Wayside, or Ternia? pursue means of eliminating them from your lands before they have a chance to really get a foot hold, or else be overwhelmed in the long run. Perhaps seek allies and alliances with those who hold power to aid you in your fight for the defense of your lands, for this problem concerns all of your nations and creatures of power. As it does in our lands.

With honor always,
Squire Thorador Boulderfist