The Council of Khar-Durai: Current Membership


New Hampshire Staff
Duke Bennington makes sure that the current information about the membership of the Council of Khar-Durai (and the world map) is readily available, both upon request at his barracks in Myerston, and scribed in the notes of various members, such as Grandmaster Eris. Adventurers are welcome to scribe their own copies and/or ask for updates at any time.

The Council of Khar-Durai Members​

CouncilorDuke Charles Bennington IIIDuchy of Myerston, Khar-Durai
CouncilorElder DeeprootThe wild and unclaimed lands of Khar-Durai
CouncilorGrandmaster Mimiteh ErisProvince of Mimiteh, Khar-Durai
CouncilorGovernor Peros HilltoppleProvince of Thistle Thorn, Khar-Durai
CouncilorAmbassador Gedin ShattershieldProvince of Hearthfires, Khar-Durai
CouncilorKing Agrim BonemelderKingdom of Cinderfel, Unmei
ProxyAmbassador Justicar Othur Gem Rockhearth IVKingdom of Cinderfel, Unmei on behalf of King Agrim Bonemelder
CouncilorMayor Clyden Ri'ValeCity of Nethmere, Khar-Durai
CouncilorReginar DarentSpeaker of the Kotar Tribes, Unmei
CouncilorLord Kogo the KappaProvince of Black Heart Bay, Unmei
ProxyFirst Knight Sir Finchy CowlProvince of Black Heart Bay, Unmei on behalf of Lord Kogo
AdvisorElder Oson YantethThe Sky Isle of Sila, Khar-Durai
AdvisorCaptain Mala TuluCollective of Orc’Kra-Dram, Khar-Durai
PetitionedPrince Arlo Dell & Princess Sophia DellProvince of Dellwyn, Unmei
PetitionedDuchess Stellaria Luanox & Duke Elroy GarishProvince of Tegan, Unmei
PetitionedRangatira TupatoFloating Sea City of Whetu’Agia, Khar-Durai
PetitionedGovernor “Mimi” MathildeTrade Cities of Butterby, Unmei
PetitionedOgre BandsVillage of Tutti, Khar-Durai

Authority of Memberships:
1High CouncilorA temporary designated Councilor who can make unilateral decisions on behalf of the entire council. This position is not a permanent position and its duration is determined by the council at time of designation, but cannot extend beyond a period of a year.
2CouncilorA fully vetted representative of the council, that may place votes on Council decisions. A Councilor represents a region of alliance that has adopted Unified Law.
3Proxy CouncilorA fully vetted representative of the council, who stands in for a Councilor and may place votes on their behalf. A Proxy's duties on the council are equal to the Councilor in all ways, and a Proxy’s vote is only to be set aside for the vote of the Councilor they stand in for.
4AdvisorA member of the council who represents a region of alliance that has not adopted Unified Law. This member may advise and speak during council and should be paid equal respect as a Councilor, but they do not get a vote on Council decisions.
5PetitionerAn authority of a region that has requested to join the council. This authority must provide evidence that they are empowered to speak for their people and region. After a vetting process, a Petitioner may adopt Unified Law for their territories and become a Councilor, or become an Adjunct Advisor.

Current Additional Intel:

Unaffiliated Regions, Lands, and Cities

People & LocaleRepresentativeAffiliation
Province of Besut & Atali, UnmeiUnknownProspect for the Council
Province of Gryfvale, UnmeiUnknownProspect for the Council
Selunari Clans of Domari, UnmeiUnknownProspect for the Council
Sea Dwarves of Khar-DuraiUnknownProspect for the Council
Dryad Clusters of MerUnknownUnknown
Province of Killidery, UnmeiUnknownUnknown
Province of Savario, UnmeiUnknownUnknown
Villages of Myrhollow, UnmeiUnknownUnknown
Echosis Forest, UnmeiUnknownUnknown
Tylwish Elves of Nixee & Ziba, TylwaerUnknownUnknown
Nachtela Elves of the Feanaro, TylwaerUnknownUnknown
Mystras & the Island of SabbosiaUnknownPotentially Hostile
Pirate Orc Clans of Wyndover SeasUnknownHostile
Island of HaljaUnknownHostile

[[ Link to world map, for geographical reference:
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