The Crown

As I sit in Arbor, looking at the courthouse filled with men and woman who will soon make large decisions that will effect all of us I have allowed my mind to wander, and it has returned to a topic I have reviewed at length this past year....

The Crown-

The King is not The Crown- the King holds The Crown. One could argue he is a peasant to it. Working to hold IT high and bright. To be strong enough IT bare the weight and pain of IT

Oh yes The Crown is a burden - not a gift. IT has tireless demands and IT calls for those demands in the voice of thousands of voices. The Crown never sits quiet, once one need of IT is seen to - there is another. And each need is real and true and at times life and death. The Crown--- The Crown does not care if you are tired or have wishes and dreams for yourself- The Crown cares only for The People- for the Voice it speaks in is theirs.

The Crown belongs to the people you see. And through them a man or woman carries IT's burden. They can be called King or Queen - but Servant is a better term- for that is what they are the moment The Crown touches their brow- Servant to the Need of The People.

When the people cry out for help and shelter- protection and care- they cry out to The Crown. And the one who holds The Crown is Duty bound to respond tirelessly and effectively to those cries.

It is not an easy not glamours job-- for every failure of the man or woman holding the crown- every life lost in the Realm and pain inflicted to a citizen - is more weight added to the already unimaginable weight of The Crown.

For several Years our Noble King has carried this burden... Carried it when others rejected it.

What must that burden do to a person? Was that duty fulfilled ? What will happen now?

I have no answers but I have hope... The Crown knows best- and I do not mean the Man or the Woman who holds The Crown- but the People who ARE the Crown...

Ramblings on the steps of the Courthouse as I wait...

In Service,

You are a bit misinformed, the Crown, it's authority and the power it represents in no way belongs to the common folk, to insinuate in any way that a noble, especially the king is the same as any peasant except for his authority is not only wrong, but irresponsible and borderline treasonous. Whatever the source of nobility, be it by birth into a noble house and it's upbringing, or by the long an arduous path of becoming a knight, or a lord. While it is true that at times some new nobility is discovered the fact is nobility isn't something that is trained, it is something that is discovered. Nobility is not to be confused with virtue, there are many fine people that can develop and become more virtuous, and while this is essential for a noble to serve well in whatever role they are meant to fulfill, it is not the source of nobility. Many, many good men and women misunderstand this they confuse the cause and the effect, the source and the result.

While people live under the crown, it is foolishness to suggest that they are the crown in any sense of the term. While the nobles owe the people their guidance they do NOT owe the people their obedience. A thousand peasants do not, and cannot know better then their king or Duke. It's simply a matter of scale and position, this doesn't mean those peasants are not good, virtuous people, but they are not noble. Even in my minor nobility as a lord, I can already tell there are so many considerations that I wish I did not have the duty to keep in my mind when making choices.

As to the King, I think the recent mess of things we have contributed too is a fine example of exactly why "the People" in general have no business with the ruling structure of nobility. The authority of a King should be without question, and the failure to follow that precept has been responsible for so much of this mess. It all started when some first sought to put a leash on a king's power, to place themselves above the ultimate arbiter when they felt the cause was sufficient. Look what it has wrought, it has brought us war, suffering, and confusion within the kingdom all to feed the egos of some. I only wish I could have kept myself blameless, but I allowed myself to become entangled with the plans of those I cared about.

I urge you not to be confused, a good king will care for his people, but a poor king will allow his heart for his people to lead him astray and weaken a kingdom. Would you starve your children in the future to have a more bountiful table today, would you allow a threat to grow, and threaten them once you are old, so that you might live in peace? Most peasant's would, not out of malice, or spite, but out of misunderstanding the long term effects of things.

-Lord Enan Bluewater
Keeper of the Azure Keep.
My Lord Enan,

I hold in you very high regards so I do not wish to address this in the dreaming as it can so easily be misunderstood. I would much prefer to sit down and speak with you face to face.

My only dreaming response would be I respectively disagree with you on a number of points.

And ask you to remember- in Arbor the one who wears the Crown was decided by charter and vote of the nobility- while the one Holding The Crown is nobility, there is answer accountability.....

Yours Always in Service,

I was there when the "Charter", which would be better characterized as a list of demands from some of the population was signed. It was a poor idea then, and it's a poor idea now and has never been enforceable. I am perfectly happy to debate here, or in person, which ever you are more comfortable with. However I often make a point of trying to clarify misunderstandings when put up in a dream. Someone has given you their view of history, one that I disagree with, if I allow you to express it's tenants or primary beliefs about what is "Correct" as far as how a kingdom can best exist, then I am giving my tacit approval of your words and I would not see this idea of popular rule be expanded on, that is the way of tribesman and barbarians, a truly safe kingdom has yet to be built in such a way, so why would we emulate it?

As an aside, the ones who voted to create a kingdom where in violation of treaties that kept Wayside safe for years, in the very act of establishing a new charter to build a kingdom they broke and discarded the precepts of the existing one, I find it ironic that they find the sundering of their own agreements so....flabbergasting.

- Enan
My Lord Enan,

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

Nobles are Citizens of the Kingdom, different from those bereft of title - but still citizens.

Just my two cents as we await the decision of Their Graces.

Yours in Service,