The death of Joel McNulty


Chicago Staff
It is with a heavy heart that I am to report the death of a great man, my master, Joel McNulty. He was taken from us too early, despite his many centuries of life. He is survived by his loving wife Sybil, his daughters Lumin and Regina, and the rest of the McNulty family. A small service will be held at the family estate later next month, with the reading of the will to those most close to him to follow.

Shamus McNulty,
Beloved driver and caretaker
Thank you friends, and fellow comrades of old for attending the small service at our estate. Joel will be greatly missed and would have been glad to be in the company of old friends. I hope that his grandchild out there will forgive him of his past actions and return to the family for the reading of the will.

Seamus McNulty
Due to one of the family members unable to be located, the reading of the will shall be held in 4 weeks time. Those who were on the will of Master McNulty may arrive at this time, on the night of the 25th day of the 5th month. The will shall not be read until the remaining heir is located.

Seamus McNulty
Dear Alex McNulty,

Please come home. Your grandfather's will reading is in 4 days, and it cannot be read until all liv... members are present.

Your humble servant,
Seamus McNulty