The difference between a hero and a fool.

Wolf Conn

Ezra mused over some of the gossip given to him by one of his closer students.

“Who sets traps in a battle field?”
“He dropped one of our more powerful casters.”

The line between hero and fool seems to be a close one, on one hand if it would have worked, I would have been patted on the back for a job well done, and likely encouraged to do it more. That’s not the way it went down, so now I look the dangerous fool.

Ezra worked out his training guide for his few pupils.

Battle field confusion as it pertains to traps-

Lecture them about your many warnings while they’re on their death count, it will have the same effect as looking them in the face and warning them of the trap watching their flank.

Underestimating your friend or foes-

Always assume the best and worst from people/creatures

Being under estimated, is a powerful tool

Repairing personal relations-

If someone wanders into your traps after warning them, do what you can. If someone takes an innocent person with them, care for that person first. Offer full penance and reimbursement.

Ezra crumples the paper and tosses it into the fire.

“You’re just grumpy, because you’re starting to care about people.” Ezra said to himself

“Of course I am, it has always been the first rule of an orphan.”

“Don’t get attached.”