The Fate of Lady Rivas

Alliance Chicago

Chicago Staff
In the light and all that shines within it, we, the Earth's Chosen, stand brazen and united in our solemn duty to uphold our tireless struggle against necromancy, blight, and all things that lurk forth from the darkness. Yet, in this most dire hour of agency in our cause, we are called to heed the words of the good Count Idris of the Noble House Idris and his claim to shepherd and harbor those who count themselves among the lesser nobility of his house.

With respect due to the long history and entitlements of the Nobility of Five Bridges, we announce our compliance to his noble request: henceforth the prisoner of our keeping, Lady Emilia Rivas, shall be removed from her current holding in Old Rathfall and be placed under the compassionate watch of the Earth's Chosen while on House Arrest within an Idris Estate. This act, though burdened by the weight of our convictions, is deemed necessary as is the right of a Noble House of Rathfall to see out the internment of the nobility of their household until the time of trial.

Let it be known, this decision does not diminish our resolve nor weaken our cause in determining her guilt or innocence of the very serious charges she is facing. May this act serve as a testament to the respect between the Earth's Chosen and the noble houses of Rathfall, fostering cooperation in the name of our shared responsibility.
Her trial is set for Undekko, 1225 in Five Bridges.
In Sincerity and Unmatched Loyalty,
Vindicator Judas of The Earth's Chosen

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