The Fate of the River

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
(The following voice is heard with a bit of garbled distortion, as if you are hearing it spoken through a thin sheet of water.)


I voice my thanks once again to those among you that assisted with the retrieval of the Merrow Pearl from its resting place a few weeks ago. Our work with the Pearl has gone well so far, and we have begun to unravel the mystery of the Mist Waterfall and the fate of the River because of your help.

Steps are being discovered, one at a time, towards renewing the life of the Pool and bestowing the life of the River upon this land for centuries to come. However, beyond the sight of the first step that must be taken, the visions from the Pearl also speak that the fate of the River is best in the hands of those that have yet to make a great splash in the workings of the world.

And so, I urge a group of those that have not yet made notable ripples to come visit my Merrow kin along the River's banks! Be you new to adventuring altogether, simply new to the region, or even just one that has yet to find your place in the vast sea of life, I wish to meet you and have you join the efforts to restore the vitality of the River! Perhaps here, along the rushing edge of the Great River and following the lead of the Pearl, is where even the littlest fish can make a splash and see their ripples flow out into the world beyond.

May the River forever cleanse and protect you,
~ Gillaea of the Merrow