The Gong


Public Relations Committee

I am seeking the whereabouts of the sacred artifacts that was used on Friday night. The artifact was activated improperly and that is why sprits rose and attacked. I am saddened that this happened but the gong is more than an instrument. It is a symbol of peace between two peoples that were once at war. If anyone knows where the gong is, please return it to me as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Sera FallingStar
I think you are confused. It definitely is a gong of peace between two peoples, not a cymbal.
I'll see myself out.
Hunter Davion
Sera Fallingstar,

I belive the Gong was teleported away shortly after the casting. I didn't get too much of an eye on it, but from behind closed doors I thought it had vanished once the Baron came out. I could be wrong.

On a side note, dispite this event taking place in the Greater Earth Circle, I was glad that a certain Circle Master respected my wishes to not perform that ritual, or the one to create the Waystone. This show of respect is noted, and I personally forgive you for the previous Waystone incident. You now understand what happens when you play with magic beyond your understanding and you showed reserve this past market day.

Perhaps there is hope for all magic users now.

- Stahn Revan