The Good Doctor's Elixirs of Wonder!


Chicago Staff
Come on, come all! Fore my wares are the pinicle of alchemical perfection! While my knowledge greatly exceeds this land, unfortunately my ingredients for such are not found here. However, one must make do with what one has and so, I have discovered another way to deliver fine elixirs to those who want it!

I'm selling the below with great supply left! But! They will soon go fast, as my elixirs work beyond anything you've seen or heard! Behold:
The Good Doctor’s Elixir of Fortitude. It’ll take 10 years off your age! Skin as soft as an Elf!
The Good Doctor’s Elixir of Vitality. Invegorate yourself with the strength of 10 High Orcs!
The Good Doctor’s Elixir of Growth. 100% natural. Will regrow missing hair!

Each Elixir can be yours for the low cost of 10g each, guarenteed to work. Don't believe me? Try the Elixir of Fortitude for yourself! Makes you 10 years younger, especially good for those looking to continue the fight!

So what are you waiting for?! Come on down, grab a bottle and feel amazed! Road show to follow in the Spring.

Albert Winestein, aka The Good Doctor
Hi there Good Doctor! I think I said hi to you before sometime a few months ago when you came into town, but we didn't really get to talk to each other more than that. You're from Anret, right? Is it warmer in Anret during the winter? Winter in Wayside is awful and cold.

What happens if I drink the Elixir of Fortitude and I'm not even ten years old? Or does it take 10 years off your age in a make-you-live-ten-years-shorter way? That seems like a bad thing to drink.

~ Silp
Ahh Good Dryad Silp!

It still amazes me how many dryads there are in these lands, and the fact that most don’t know anything about Earthen Magic. Quite an adjustment.

My lands are quite warm, though fortunately the Olothen Empire where the mountains meet is often chilly, the Sapphire Kingdom has a nice ocean warmth with it. I love it!

So excellent question about the Elixir of Fortitude. It is not recommended for people under 30. What it does is make your physical appearance look 10 years prior. I’ve only ever seen it used for humans as they were my normal customers. So for you, in your situation I would advise against it. However, I haven’t heard of any instances where it would make it so you were never born. If that were the case, then that would be quite the poison to sell to anyone 10yrs or younger.

I was just happy that the ingredients here were far more plentiful than in my lands. It used to take a long time to hunt down what was needed, and even capturing the right amount was often difficult, but it is all worth it for how effective it is!

I have to say, if I didn’t love my homeland so much, I’d live here. Alas, I must return eventually, once I find a way to do that, and to bring my creations all back with me. Also, I keep trying to learn magic, but I simply don’t have the knack for it.

-The Good Doctor
Well I am now sold out of The Good Doctor’s Elixir of Fortitude. I could use help in a few months gathering more ingredients for it, as my key component is now out of stock.

As I mentioned, I will be available in about a months time. I could use the hired help of a group of individuals to assist in a small...relatively small task. It's probably more suited to non-experienced folks as it's a simple gather and capture type of mission.

If there is interest I'll try to stop by at whatever gathering is next.

Sayyid Albert,

If you are looking for hired help, look no further. I am the owner of a merchant group know as The Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company. Our prices are reasonable and we are quick and efficient. I currently have 4-8 in my employ. Though we are inexperienced in the ways of adventuring in these lands, we have skills that you may find useful.

Wild Rose
Owner of the Wild Rose Adventuring and Trading Company
Wild Rose,

I'm sure I can find other task as well. My compensation is quite reasonable, and I am even willing to include a Potion of Vitality in the mix!

-The Good Doctor

"It doesn't take much time; it makes you feel so fine. To the Doctor!"
I wanted to remind you fine folks I'll be in town in 5 days at your royally invited lunch. I have a task I wish to be run about 3 bells after lunch begins that needs attending. Of course I can pay. I'm in need of a certain creatures blood. In fact, ideally, I'd love 3 large jugs of their blood. I've located 3 of these creatures to the East of Northshire that should suffice. Again, I'll be around during lunch and can provide more details.

It should be just up your ally for those not as experienced as the majority of you folks. While It'll still likely require a good group to take them down, I'm afraid I can't pay for the most seasoned folks.

Also make sure you bring one of those magical weapons that can use flame abilities. This task cannot be done without.

- Albert
Thank you again for the Trolls Blood! I do hope you enjoy the Potion of Fortitude, and remember, please don't drink if you're under 20 as it may not work as intended! The Good Doctor's orders!

- Albert