The Magic Flute


Chicago Staff
Good Fair people of Fairfax,

I'm a very modest human, but sometimes I want the finer things in life. I've heard tales of a collection of various flutes, and I want them. I've purch....gai...acquired a few others over the last year, but there are more I'd really enjoy. However, these have to be of the finest magical quality! A flute, made by the legendary maker Theodore Giles. While some were lost long ago, I have sources, a certain bardic troupe that says some have been uncovered recently. There is truly one I'm looking for; a black flute.

I'm willing to pay 10g and one of my many magical items for that one. I currently have 3 others in my possession, but to see the 4th upon my mantle would bring great joy to this old man.

I can be reached via the Dreaming, as I am constantly on the move,
Gabriel Turner
Vou know I think I did zee a flute like that, vut a fat man ate it. I think vou best put vour efforts elsevhere.

Just a vord of advice,

Kitaruen Kopanari Stin Svetlo

You think I have a krooked ear, that you feel I would believe such a thing? My compensation is most geniune. 10g and my partner's finest magic item, the power of the elements themselves, the power once a day to rain dragons breath, ice storms, lightning storms and stone storms upon your enemies. I yearn for the day when I can look upon my mantle and see such finely crafted items before my eyes. Oh the joy!

- Gabriel Turner
Mr. Turner,

I would love to speak to you more about your collection. I do enjoy a good tale, so if the flutes you have have stories behind them I would love to hear the stories as well. If you are around in a couple weeks, seek me out and we will talk about this black flute you are looking for and exchange a few tales.

Squire Siril
That would be great Mr. Siril. I'm sure I can tell you the tales of how my master acquired these flutes.

- Mr. Turner
Master Turner,
I would love to discuss this transaction with you. I am sure we can arrange something. I would love to see your collection, as well. I'll bring some fine wine, you decide the place and bring the flutes? (Or I can come to wherever your mantel is). I could travel with Squire Siril, as well.
Hunter Davion

Apparently everyone has this flute I seek. Unfortunately I only require one, just the one. If you can provide the flute then I'm sure we can make a transaction. My master would be quite pleased. Please send me a pigeon with where you'd like to meet and I'll be happy to discuss this transaction. Please bring the flute, I have a way of identifying it's authenticity.

-Mr. Turner
Master Turner,
All do respect, you said the flute would be for YOUR mantle. But then you go on and speak about how your master will be pleased. Are you the final owner or are you an intermediary? I'm interested in meeting with another collector of fine items, hence me bringing fine ancient wine. As far as all the other adventurers, several people have access to the flute. I'll make sure to organize them so as to not waste your time.
Hunter Davion
I must have mispoke, silly me. I've already been in contact with in some form with Sera Fallingstar. I'm sure she can fill you in on any details of a potential meet. I do look forward to fine wine though.

Mr. Turner