The Misadventures of David


Colorado Staff
Earlier today, I found out my credit card number was stolen, that they've made like $200 of purchases on it. Sooo. I deleted Facebook and changed my passwords for any sites I've ever entered a credit card into.

Then, I decided I was going to show up to the game at Midnight with *3* piping hot burgers for Nathan's birthday.
Well, I got *almost* to the site, when heavy friggen fog set in. I was literally on 61.
Long story short... 3 hours later after driving back and forth on 61 and stopping at 3 different gas stations, I ended up going to St. Cloud.

So here I sit, in St. Cloud, 4 hours after my initial departure, with *2* cold burgers, typing this message on Nate's computer, "Happy Birthday, Nate. Sorry I couldn't surprise you with hot burgers. I hope you have a great day, bro."
As I'm driving back from the site today my car overheated. I pulled over, had to have Ted take me to get coolant and load it up. Nothing like checking the oil dipstick to seeing it steaming. Just got home 2 hours later. Not quite your luck, but what can go wrong most definitely does.