The Much Awaited 2013 Schedule

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Heya Guys,

After much waiting I'm pleased to announce out 2013 schedule.

Please Keep in Mind, at player request we can always schedule an additional 1 day event if given notice and all schedules can be made to work out.

Jan 20th- Winter 1 Day (By Request)
April: 26th-27th
May 24-25th
June 29th Summer 1 Day (tentative)
July 19-20
Sept 27-28th
Oct 18-19th

Events start on Friday evening (we try to start around 9), with "game off" called at noon on Sunday.

Our logistics folks will keep you updated on any changes. First time Alliance Larp players always play Free and each new person you bring gets you gobbies and a Free event on their 3rd event.

I look forward to seeing each and everyone one of you there this year.


I added 2 one days as promised to bulk up the schedule. Rob D will open up pre reg after the holidays.

We also have the opportunity to run a winter Banquet/Non combat event in Feb with a lunch/dinner, some awards presentations, puzzle contests, and of course an IG auction.

Please let us know soon if you would be interested in participating such an event so we can see if we can work out the budget and details and what weekend in Feb works best for you.


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