The now predictable request for Monster camp movers


Despite giving it the good college try, we do not yet have a trailer for moving monster camp, so I'm again looking for 2-3 cars to help move everything we need, if you can help and arrive around 5 please give me a call at 952-33four-7256. Otherwise we'll be looking for volunteers on site to help with a second run to get the rest of monster camp out to the site!
You need a van. We could call it Road LARP Two.
No what he needs is a good trailer...

There just is the small obstacle of it costing several thousand dollars for such a thing. ;)
So at first I was all like, "Hey, let's look at Stana found." Then right before my finger clicked, I was like, "Oh, it's gonna be a movie trailer..." Then I was right. Too bad I still clicked =_=