Gee, I played in the early 1990s and was away from the game until like 2003, so I know exactly how you feel. You're lucky that there are still players (and PCs) that know you, so you're going to have a blast! When I returned, virtually no one knew who I was (even though I had served as a knight and Paladin for many years). I still remember being rudely yelled at by a PC (whom will go nameless as he still actively plays that character) to get out of his way during a battle. He had no idea I was a noble! LOL!
Anyway, I am really psyched for the event as well. I hope you have so much fun that you do what I did..... convince your family to let you come to a few events a year. Before you know it, you'll be dragging your kids to the Kid's Campaign events!
--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake