
(these words are followed by several moments of agonizing screams)

(a pause)

(Then the loud screech of a large and hungry hawk)

I hope my words reach you. You are not alone in this. You are strong, do not give in. You can control the transformation.

Lady FallingStar

We just spoke---- you are with the children of Forgotten Hope- please Grimshaw remember who you are and what you truly care about. Protect yourself and the children even if it is from yourself.

Leave Forgotten Hope - NOW - if you have not already and get to the safety of those who can help you! Please Grimshaw- protect those you and I both care about and get to safety...please ....

Anyone near him that has experience with this sort of thing- I beg you- Get to Grimshaw protect him and the children he was last with! I am on my way...

Yours in Service,

Grimshaw's just hungry! Let's just find him some food. Besides, Hawks are cool!

I envy you, Grimshaw. It is a blessing to conquer, not a curse to be feared.

Crelik Blackpelt
Wolf Tribesman
I stand beside you in spirit. You can conquer this endeavor as you have many others.

Ignathis Nachtfeuer
Sorry for that all,

I dozed just before the moon rose.
Miss Cyn, stay were you are and I promise the children are fine.
I had fears of this day an so I's took some pre-cautions that seemed to have work.
Week or so ago I met with a farmer I've worked for in the past. From him I procured a few of his chickens an a small cage.
I told him On the day of the full moon to leaves them in a spot, I showed him, deep in the forest outside an away from Arbor.
Today, long befores sun down, I went out there.
Where as I set up camp and tied my leg to a large oak with the heaviest cord I could find. Several times.

My plans seems to have worked.
The cage is but splinters. The chickens are but feathers an blood and one of the cords is still tied to me leg.
I'll gets me self cleaned up, my armor has taken a beatin, back into Arbor, Back to Forgotten Hope.
I will see you all at Fair.

Thanks fer your concerns


I am glad you did prepare and prepare well-next time please warn me this is a possibility and you are prepared. Hearing this in the dreaming scared me very much!

I look forward very much to seeing you at the Market. I know you and i have somethings to discuss.

Yours in Service,
Though I not of wayside I am of the lands and the shape-changers are of the lands.

Experience is wisdom. I have a reason to come to wayside now. You may see me around.

I come to learn.

-Ragnarok of the Petara tribe

I am gald to here you are alright. I don't know what I would do if you weren't. I have too much on my mind already. I will meet you before market on friday so I know for sure you are well. Take care, Friend and come back safely please.

Also I would like to be there when you finish with the issue of being Were. I care about you too, old man. Don't think that you need to protect and help me is not mutual back at you.

May you best of days be upon you in all matters you wish to attend to.

~ Initiate Kathrina Taliss

I will be helping Grmshaw as soon as I am able to get time with him to solve it. I will make sure you are informed.

-Lord Enan Bluewater
Thank you, Lord Bluewater. I appreciate it.

Oh boy, another one... this is gonna be one action packed winter.

Mild mannered party planner.