The Passing of a Hero of Fortannis


It is with great pride and love that I bring news of the passing of one of our World's Greatest Heroes.

Zehnyu Shanshi has passed into the Forever Hunt, after giving all that she had in the defense of Fortannis and the Maelstrom. She returned from Death's realm to see her sworn oath fulfilled and the enemies of the Maelstrom broken upon her shield and blade. Zehnyu gave all she was as a Champion of Fortannis, each and every foe she faced unable to bring her low. She chose to walk beside Death into the Forever Hunt.

Zehnyu, known to some as Ghost, shaped Fortannis with her actions and her dedication to her ideals. In her travels across the many Realms she found not only family, but the perseverance to stand as a Guardian in defense of all the Lands against the forces that threatened them.

Every life she touched knew her mark, the strength and conviction of her heart.

In her time She was a Royal Tracker to the Queen of the Veldt
She was the Captain of the Pride of Aolia in the lands of Laerthan
She was an Arkelian Hunter
She was a servant of Death
She was a Wife
She was a Sister
She was a Mother
She was and will always be a Hero of Fortannis.

Her watch now over, it is the duty of the living to make worthy the sacrifices of the dead and stand in her place. Her legacy lives on across Fortannis within all those that knew her.

Well General Taylor gained the day.
Walk him along, John, Carry him along.
Well General Taylor he gained the day,
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Tell me where you're stormy?
Walk him along, John, carry him along.
Tell me where you're stormy?
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

We'll dig his grave with a silver spade
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
His shroud of the finest silk will be made
Carry him to his bury'n ground.
Well General Taylor gained the day.
Walk him along, John, Carry him along.
Well General Taylor he gained the day,
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Tell me where you're stormy?
Walk him along, John, carry him along.
Tell me where you're stormy?
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

We'll dig his grave with a silver spade
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
His shroud of the finest silk will be made
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Rest well my sister, till I join you in the hunt.
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Well General Taylor gained the day.
Walk him along, John, Carry him along.
Well General Taylor he gained the day,
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Tell me where you're stormy?
Walk him along, John, carry him along.
Tell me where you're stormy?
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

We'll dig his grave with a silver spade
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
His shroud of the finest silk will be made
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

May the Gryphons guard you in your final walk, and may you always control the fight.
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((an etherial voice echoes through the dream, carrying motes of light with it though nothing resembling a person))

Well General Taylor gained the day.
Walk him along, John, Carry him along.
Well General Taylor he gained the day,
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Tell me where you're stormy?
Walk him along, John, carry him along.
Tell me where you're stormy?
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

We'll dig his grave with a silver spade
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
His shroud of the finest silk will be made
Carry him to his bury'n ground.
Well General Taylor gained the day.
Walk him along, John, Carry him along.
Well General Taylor he gained the day,
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Tell me where you're stormy?
Walk him along, John, carry him along.
Tell me where you're stormy?
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

We'll dig his grave with a silver spade
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
His shroud of the finest silk will be made
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Rest, I will watch over them for as long as I can, and I'll bring the drinks for when I see you again.
Ghost, you will be missed. But your passing will be remembered by my tribe. They will tell the tale of Zehnyu, the wild Sarr that put their chieftain down a path of leadership with her encouraging words...

My mother would sing us orcs to sleep when we were but babies in loin cloths. I sang this song to the Guardian to wake them... and now I sing it to you as you rest...

Whistle down the wind...
Let your voices carry...
Drown out all the rain, light a patch of darkness...
Treacherous and scary...

Howl at the stars...
Whisper, when your sleeping...
I'll be there to hold you, I'll be there to stop...
The chills and all the weeping...

Make it clear and strong!
So the whole night long!
Every signal that you send...
Until the very end...
I will not abandon you my precious friend...

So try and stand the tide!
Then we'll raise a banner!
Send a flare up in the sky...
Try to burn a torch...
And try to build a bonfire!

Every signal that you send...
Until the very end...
I'm there.
Every signal that you send...
For I have always been...
Right. There.
Zehnyu, you gave me a chance, when other wanted to cut me down. You put you honor and well being into my hands as you swore to hunt down any who would harm me. I carry that with me every day, honoring that faith put into me Aldamu w alsharaf, We have the watch.

Well General Taylor gained the day.
Walk him along, John, Carry him along.
Well General Taylor he gained the day,
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Tell me where you're stormy?
Walk him along, John, carry him along.
Tell me where you're stormy?
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

We'll dig his grave with a silver spade
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
His shroud of the finest silk will be made
Carry him to his bury'n ground

Hiwa Chulainn Steelclaw
(After a few verses of hesitation, a descant joins the chorus, high and quiet but strong and clearly well practiced. There are no additional words, but the tune feels like a dull ache and a sharp stinging.)
We'll lower him down on a golden chain
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
On every inch we'll carve his name
Carry him to his bury'n ground

General Taylor he's all the go
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
He's gone where the stormy winds won't blow
Carry him to his bury'n ground

You'll be missed Zhenyu, when I left home you were the first person to see the potential in me. All life is a song, your verse is done, and it's now time for the young to sing anew. I didn't know it at the time, but I'm learning just how heavy that golden chain is now. May we all do your memory proud.
Zehnyu, for every drop of blood you shed for Laerthan, for all you sufferered, for everything you fought for alongside the Hunt. Thank you. Thank you a thousand times over.

The hero you were will be remembered.

Well General Taylor gained the day.
Walk him along, John, Carry him along.
Well General Taylor he gained the day,
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Tell me where you're stormy?
Walk him along, John, carry him along.
Tell me where you're stormy?
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

We'll dig his grave with a silver spade
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
His shroud of the finest silk will be made
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Thank you for teaching me to fight and stand my ground.
Thank you, Zehnyu, for teaching those who watched how to respect the strength of your enemies.

How to stand where others would lose their will.

You were never my teacher, but the example you made for me...profoundly affected me.

The next time I look into the eyes of one who would seek to make me afraid, I will remember you.

No. Every time.

Every time. You rest, but you will still fight on in us.
Oh, Zen.

May your rest be eternal and the gaze of your friends never catch the sight of you again.

Enjoy your rest, it was well earned and much deserved.

...Zehnyu, Ghost, from the first day we met, I knew you were a sister. We saw each other for who we really were. From the fields we shared, to the pains we survived, I dragged you back from the crying men, but there was already so much sadness in you. Yet you stayed on even after that, from sheer stubbornness I have no doubt. From Hot drop, to the bitter end of the Bug Queen, and everything in between. I am grateful for the time you stayed, the laughs we shared, and the songs you sung. We saved each others lives...after we put them in mortal peril. What else are friends for. I am grateful for the time you gave, the blood, and sweat and tears. Your name will go on our houses memory banner, and we'll drink, and sing, and slay in your name. Foes of Fortannis beware. I'm going to miss you sis.
Dam Zen. Why did you have to go and do that?
Well the answer is because that's the type of person you are. I remember when you first started. So eager. Wanting to pounce on anything that you came across. Looking for guidance and seeking a family. From the responses here I know you found that. Enjoy the Forever Hunt. If its anything like the one I visited many years ago, you'll have a blast and crush it.

I will hold our private conversations closer to my chest and remember the great fights we had along side each other.

Rest for now, you have greatly earned it.

May we some day fight together again.
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Well General Taylor gained the day.
Walk him along, John, Carry him along.
Well General Taylor he gained the day,
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

Tell me where you're stormy?
Walk him along, John, carry him along.
Tell me where you're stormy?
Carry him to his bury'n ground.

We'll dig his grave with a silver spade
Walk him along, John, Carry him along
His shroud of the finest silk will be made
Carry him to his bury'n ground

Thank you Zehnyu, for the gifts you bestowed on those in your company - courage, love, and wisdom of the ages. The legend of your strength and fortitude shall be told for generations to come.

I am glad I was there to see you off to rest. Thank you for your friendship, it will never be forgotten.