The Right Hand cannot stand against the Left


Lord Commander Artorias,

You may not be able to hear me, but one of your servants will. You have turned your back on your Emperor and renounced your place at the head of his army. It has been many years, though, and we know that even such stoic hearts as yours can falter over time. He-Who-Walks-Between will return you to the fold - you will be once again with your brothers and sisters, the Honored Dead. We regret the loss of your fair wife, Lady Cerelinde, but with her triumphant march across the world of the living she shall serve as the harbinger of what is still to come.

While you have shirked your duties in the centuries since the fall of the Dreadlord, our master has been very busy plumbing the depths of the Void Nexus. He has now fully mastered its gifts; gifts he has seen fit to share in these last few years. Should you decide to reclaim your destiny, we await your orders. You know where to find us. If you choose to walk another path... We know where to find you.


Hey Tets, tell Artorias he can't hide in there forever.

