The Rollicking Adventures of Tam O'Hare -- The Play!

I've just been tapped to do the stage adaptation of this book for a world premiere at the historic Mounds Theater in Saint Paul, MN, TBA. The author, Scotty Roberts, is a longtime mainstay at the Minnesota Renaissance Fesitval. The play will also be geared for a NYC run, which will hopefully also allow me to play a few games out East. :D Thanks!

(Imagine a really cool cover picture -- HERE!)

Set in England, Ireland and Scotland of 1567, Irish Lord, Tam O’Hare is called upon to find a young girl who has been stolen by the Faerie folk. This anthropomorphized tale is brimming with Celtic mysticism, pirates and historical characters.

Scotty Roberts (that’s me!) is the author and illustrator. This chapter book was initially targeted to 4th to 6th grade readers, but has taken on the bulk of it’s readership with high school and college readers.

I will be doing a signing event at Garrison Keillor’s book store, Common Good Books, in Saint Paul, MN on Saturday, October 4th at 1:00pm.

Visit my official website:
Or Tam O’Hare’s MySpace: by clicking here.