The Shadow Spreads


It seems once again the river of history bends and repeats,

I thought I should warn that I was recently traveling just north of the wastes and saw a fairly large number of the corrupt emerging from the wastes. Ranging from small humanoid creatures, to the large constructs their numbers where significant. Traveling along the border I found this to be consistent and already crystalline nodes can be seem formed on the border of the wastes.

Whatever time that land bereft of magic bought this world has been spent. See to your defenses my friends for the corruption grows steadily even as it gets defeated in one place, it gains ground in another. From what I can see the southern reaches of the grasslands will be a war zone all too soon.


There is a matter of importance I wish to speak to you on; however I am unsure of your new home. Please send me a pigeon at Horizon so I can relay the information gathered.

- Lord Asher Oakheart
Believe it or not Lord Oakheart, I'm surprisingly easy to get a hold of within the dream realm. What is it you need?

We have need of knowledge of old you may be an expert on. I would prefer to communicate outside of the dreaming on this matter; though I'm sure We will be in touch shortly.

-Lord Oakheart