The Shepard of Spirits Sighted in the Valley of Solace


Thought you folks might be interested, I haven't been buy with a Gaden paper for awhile, it's been hard to acquire many extra copies ever since Master Kirna Lightfoots been suggesting to folks that it might be best to limit contact with you folks in Hopes Reach. At any rate, apart from the head lines of the Corrupt in the Valley mysteriously falling over dead where they stand during the Respite, there's been a sighting of the Shepard of Spirits again. This beastie usually isn't too much of a problem if you stay out of it's way, excepting when the moon reaches it's zenith such as when we hold the Ritual of Remembrance when it's said to get more aggressive and deadly. It's been told to be a creepy sight, what with those sorrowful looking spirits of the permanently dead following it around in a stupor, they haven't been seen around these parts for a good twenty three years or so. One thing I'm sure of from those days that I can remember, you don't want to do be around the beast when the moon nears its zenith if you value your life. Even if you were to survive you wouldn't want to be around once the moon has begun to set on that awful night, I've heard first hand stories that the final screams of the spirits it draws it's power from, as it consumes them will turn the hair on your head white and chill your heart until your final days.

At any rate, thought you mates should know, back in the day these beasts used to be drawn to the Rituals, either to feast on the sorrow, or whatever reasons it should have. Every time they come back they get stronger as they contain the power of the spirits they've consumed within them.

-Roheer, MWE Scribe and friend the those in Fort Miller

I must have missed this somehow, how I dislike the dream realm as I usually dream while you all are awake.

Roheer, as you have stated I do not expect a response. I ponder as to what means will need to be taken to suppress this, beast.

-D'rezz Zandrick Roiyaru
one thing is for sure, I am going to see if i can take a look at this beast before the night of the full moon

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far

For those who do not remember, following the Ritual of Rememberance, the corrupt swarm headlong into our lands with a fury after being inactive during the respite.

I must caution everyone while we must give honor to our fallen in celebration, that we must also remain vigilent and prepared for not only a battle with the corrupt, but also with this "Shepard of Spirits."

At all costs, the citizens of the region need to be protected.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.


Proprietor of the Falcon's Roost
Guardian of Hope's Reach
Forgive my ignorance, but I am curious what is meant when it is said that Master Lightfoot is advising people to not talk to us at Hopes Reach?
Jonathan Darin
To Roheer and the Citizens of Hope's Reach,

I would like to officially report that the Shepard of Spirits was indeed sighted this past weekend during the Ritual of Rememberance. By using the combined might and knowledge of the adventurers, and wise counsel of unnamed individuals, we were able to diminish the power of the Shepard (I myself weakened its spirit with the final killing blow) so that it will no longer be a threat to the area for some time to come.

My thanks to all who so valiantly worked together to defend and protect the Hope's Reach Region.

Should an individual wish to learn more, you may contact a member of the Guardians who can assist you further.


Proprietor of the Falcon's Roost
Guardian of Hope's Reach
Congratulations on putting down that beast, McGregor. I'm glad we managed to put some spirits to peace. I'm wondering though, I heard there were three spirits total, but I myself only saw two of them. Would anyone be able to fill me in on what was wrong with the third spirit at all? I remember one spirit wanting to make a special recipe in McGregor's Kitchen, and another spirit wanted a letter written.