The Spirit Farewell of Sir Koshinara

Dear Friends,

The Court of the Ash Forest would like to announce that the Spirit Farewell of Sir Koshinara will be taking place on the 4th day of April 609 in Fairdale around the dinner hour. We feel that since he spent his last hours of service to us in Fairdale, it is only appropriate that Fairdale be the place to honor and say our goodbyes to his noble spirit. We invite all who wish to say farewell to Sir Koshi attend. He served as a champion of the right and the good in many lands, not just in Icenia, and it is our sincere hope that those whose lives he touched in other lands will be able to travel to Fairdale as well to show thanks to a good man.

Yours In Service,
The Court of the Ash Forest
To the Baronial Court of the Ash Forest,

Thank you for arranging the farewell of Sir Koshinara. I know you still feel the pain of loosing such a dear friend and ally, but I wished to thank you for giving everyone the opportunity to thank him in person and to say their goodbyes. I know I will never forget Sir Koshi, nor the lessons he has taught me. Thank you for letting me tell him that. If I can be of use to your Court in any way you have but to ask.

May the wind always be at your backs,
Councilman Amaranthus Landcharmer