The Story of Your Life


Chicago Staff
Many years ago there was an ordinary man, and an ordinary woman. However, tragedy struck one night when the woman died while giving birth to a little girl. The girl's father began to blame the poor child and never treated her with kindness. Fortunately, the girl's grandmother taught her respect, kindness, and helped develop a shell of iron to block out the cruelty of her father.

The woman grew up, learned the ways of etiquette and the laws of the land and became a well known woman into her 20s. At age 27 she went home, and learned not only that her grandmother had died without her knowledge, but that her father was to wed her off. She didn't love the man, but had no choice.

The man was cruel. He was everything she didn't want in a husband, but she endured, for she had a shell of iron. When the woman became pregnant she did what she could to keep her husband away, and for a time, it worked. She gave birth to a beautiful boy, a perfect boy.

She continued to serve others, and when she learned her husband had died in combat, she shed not a single tear. It was when her son was 6 that she came home to find that he had drowned in a river, and strangely did not resurrect.

The woman was devastated. It was here she learned that when they pulled him from the water, he could have been saved by a gift of life; however no healers were around. She left home, and dedicated her life to healing from that day forth. She also vowed to wield no weapon, and kill no one.

Years went by, and she saw two of her friends marry. A lovely wedding it was. The woman was an honored guest and lined the path between the town and manor with blue roses. It was a wonderful day. A perfect day. A blissful day.

The woman lived out her life never remarrying, or having any other children of her own. She grew old. She eventually became a Lady. Then she died.

However, that life was just the beginning. That was one lifetime. Not a perfect lifetime, as the past could not be changed. However, the future can always change...

Many years ago there was an ordinary man, and an ordinary woman. It was the night of a lunar eclipse, and a single moonbeam cast down upon a small cottage where a woman gave birth to the perfect little girl. The mother and father looked at her with wide smiles, and held her close.

The little girl grew up in the loving arms of her parents year after year. She was quite the popular child growing up. When she was in her teens she wanted to be an attendant at the court. Through luck and charm she worked her way up to be a nanny for a newly born little girl, in a small barony within the duchy of Buckland. The woman, now in her 20s devoted herself to the court and the little girl. Years went by and the woman met a man. He was loving, kind, charming, oh so charming. He was her everything, and she was his. They had a child together, a boy. The boy eventually grew up into a handsome young man. The woman watched her sons first steps, his first crush, his first heartbreak and then meet the lady of his dreams.

The woman had 5 grandchildren, and they each had their own children and grandchildren; even though the woman was long gone. The woman herself grew up and became a Lady. She watched the young noble girl grow up, become strong and independent and marry the man of her dreams. Both the girl's father, the Baron, and the Woman watched them walk down a road lined with blue roses.

The woman grew old, and died peacefully in her sleep. A perfect life. However, it was not the last life the woman would experience....

Everyone deserves happiness. Everyone should find that perfect place they wish to be. There is so much hatred, suffering, death, disease, hunger, jealousy and distrust within Terna. There is a way to end all of it. Bliss is a gift. I have seen millenniums go by of the same sadness over and over. I want to erase all of that. Everything you want, everything you desire will and can come true. This is the greatest gift I can offer, and I will do so by the end of the 9th month of 316.

The woman in this story experienced a tragic past; however that was only one of 439 lifetimes she experienced.

I welcome you to happiness. I welcome you, to Bliss.

- Kaz'ik

You offer enslavement, believing freedom from choice, freedom from emotion, is freedom at all. If you truly offer freedom, you must allow for a freedom to decline. Otherwise, you are just another tyrant wannabe. Have you noticed what happens when people like that step up around here? They get put down. Hard.

You destroyed my Vault. Congratulations. Now, all you've done is made me even more committed to seeing you eradicated. You've given me a single purpose to direct all my rage and fury at. You will not succeed. You have one lieutenant left, The Great Shroom. We've defeated him once, and that wasn't even with the whole community. We will end him, and we will end you.

This is a promise.

Eric Marsters
No Eric Marsters, you are the tyrant that needs to be put down. I had a long conversation where I accepted that I was wrong about how to go about Bliss. I was, misguided. I thought some innocents would need to help fuel this for the greater good of all of Terna. I was wrong. No innocent shall be denied Bliss. I have all the energy I need within the strong willed spirits of you and your "friends". You are murders. You raid, you steal, you strike fear into others. I see it now, clear as day. You killed those closest to me, those most loyal who did not lift a finger against you until you rallied and struck them down. You murdered them in cold blood.

I see that now. I understand. I told a friend of yours that for each of my comrades was slain, I would take someone close as well.

For Jabarun, I took Cyn's life.
For Valamaeus, I will take yours.

Kaz'zik you are a coward and a monster. If you wanted a life for your Jabarun then you should have taken mine. I hunted him like the animal he was, I fought him, and because of him my bloodline suffered so I helped kill him.

Even if you succeed in stopping most of us, I can only hope someone like me will do the same to you.

Come take what you will monster, I'll fight you until I am dust.

Nikkolai Asis Christoff Ravania

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Ka'zik -

You took my life yes but you also spoke to me about your pain and your plans.

You do not believe yourself a monster- and you have shown you can listen and change.

Listen to me more I beg.

Take no more lives - I have more to say.


- Cyn

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Then speak.
Then speak.