The Story of Your Life


Chicago Staff
Greetings Lovelies,

Some of you I've had the pleasure of meeting. Some of you I have yet not. Last market a challenge was given for a reward of personal worth. I seek those who think they have what it takes to best the Great Moseby (not to be confused with the fictional beast called the Moseby that eats Children). 4 enter and challenge the greatest most complex story ever told for the grand prize! OR literally anyone else can come with 4 people and try the easy stories. I just want the company.

The Rules:
- No kicking down doors. Just use the handle.
- There are 10 key points/key words one must recite by the last person's retelling. To get 0/10 means the person who goes first resurrects. The current lowest for Atupali individuals is 4 but honestly they were breaths away from total failure.

10/10 - Magical Item of 3 Ritual effects of your choice for 20 days.
8-9 /10 - 2 Ritual Scrolls and a magical item
6-7/10 - Single Ritual Scroll
1-5/10- Whatever stuff is lying around and the sense you didn't blow it.

Grab 3 of your closest friends and come by for a tale; that's 4 people total if you can't. Quite. Count all proper. There will be a notice in the tavern after Sundown each day, grab a piece and you'll rift away with your designated companions. I look forward to hearing you again....

-Granny Moseby
Barer of Stories
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Does story need be repeate ex-act-ly? Can Quex bring puppet? Story al-ways better with puppet.

Puppets are welcome but the entire point is to retell the story after 3 others have told it…
You do you, my life isn’t on the line!
That was more sinister than intended, but fact nonetheless.

- G.M
Grandam Moseby,

I have heard many pleasant anecdotes about your cottage and your company and it bodes well for your offering. At the same time, I am made a touch uncomfortable by the kinds of power you wield through your Band and, perhaps, your innate essence. I would be far more comfortable in accepting your invitation were I to know more of your person and history. How long have you lived in Gavaria? Do you consider yourself a subject to the Queen? How did you come into possession of your particular talents and tools? What is this legend of the Moseby that you reference?

Regardless, I do appreciate you reaching out to the Atupali community and offering hospitality. I would offer some in return. Do you require any other kinds of service or assistance? A strong Ward upon your house, or firewood to be chopped. I do not mean to imply anything, but folk living alone in the woods are often at risk from many mundane dangers. The current state of Gavaria--rampant strigoi, dangerous magics, rampaging cabals, etc.--imperils solitary homesteaders all the more. I would assist you as I can, if you need it.

Dramthin Hartsboon
Tomebearer Vicomte Rosen; Weaver of Five Bridges
Keeper of the Tainted Grove
I require only the simple things. A story to be retold…though food is good to.

My stories are mine to share and I do such in person. As you seem hesitant let me make you more so.

To enter my home is to be recognized within my circle of power. Its a very small cottage but whether you come or not is up to you.

The story for the band is “The Story of Your Life”. Everything you want to know about me is contained within and you would do well to remember it.

Whether you come is up to you. All stories have a beginning and an end, and the beginning I know far too well.

- G.M. Oseby

P.S. I thought it was cool to put it that way.
I'm intrigued by your company that you might have with you