The sword that plauges my dreams


I dream of a sword of the past, my past. It haunts my dreams every night, It is as icy as my heart once was and is becoming and i fear that my rest shall not come about until i have it in my grasp once more. should any of you happen across it or information about it i would most appreciate it.

My upmost thanks for you efforts all, Cazik.
Ice is twice as nice
the one who has
plays with mice

oat eat mares and little ivy eats lambs
ivy would eat my kid too
me woot woooo

Silence is golden
but rules meant to be broken.

My heir, my kin
he seems a little brokin

mind bit too sound to let me in
have to give it on the chin

something worse but something more
Me thinks I may have found my door

As the die is cast
I will take my chance
the spell at last
To make a shifting glance
I shall hold fast
To the minds fine thread
like a ships fine mast
Where fools fear to tread
all breath's aghast

Reborn, Am, I

That doesn't sound good. You sound like someone I know TL and someone that was taken care off... What is it that you want now if you are truly back?
