The Town Box


The Town Box has been delivered to the Lady Fallingstar at her request, a proper and current accounting of it's items have been provided through out my, as yet unpaid, service as it's keeper.

I will no longer be offering services of direct component exchange or sale, as my tenure in this service has seen my personal stockpile depleted significantly as I strove to bridge the gap for a number of castings. Such services might still be available, but not longer as a free service, nor will I continue to sell my components at my own cost.

-Enan Bluewater
Barrister Bluewater,
Thank you for your services you provided during the time you were the keeper of the Town Box. While it never directly provided me services, I can see how it could be useful.
Hunter Davion

In the name of the honor of Sera Liddia Fallingstar I challenge you to a duel of honor. Blade to Blade or spell to spell. It is your choice how you wish to die. You have 24 hours to retract your statement.

Hataru Koshinara
Koshinara Armsman

Honored and Esteemed Koshinara-san,

I would be honored to be considered as your second in the defense of the honor of Sera Fallingstar-san.

Arcanist Dure'dhel
House Chiryoku of Gaden
I err. I truthfully don't believe what I said.
Hunter Davion