The way is ready.


Heroes of Gaden,

Many of you came through the mist wall, defying the very rules of the world a decade ago. Since then you've made our world your home, and with the help of those who rose up from our own world to join you struck at the heart of our foes.

Today I join the King himself on the wall to hold for as long as is needed for you to strike, with us stand Fathers and Mothers, Daughters and Sons, everyone of fighting age and ability. We recognize that time is that short, but the King himself believes in your mission. I follow him, carrying the knowledge of his Father's pride could he have seen what he has become.

The Vanguard has done it's part and ensured you have the best chance we can give you, today I resign from the Vanguard and the remaining members return to the army and their posts having served their purpose. Indeed the ranks of the vanguard stand emptied save for one. I am sending bonded guardsman Fernwoods to join the assault as the tip of the king's spear.

The celestial guild and the earth guild have each prepared a circle around a node, areas kept clear of the corrupt for now and will be able to send you in two groups, each sending 2 members at a time, with a 5 minute delay. The first 4 people from each circle will be invested, but be warned the circles will drop completely once all members have traveled, as well as the dangers of being in the circle when others arrive.

We'll guard the people and hold off as long as it needed, this old warrior can already see the first streaks of light that herald the coming dawn.

-Duke Julius Idden
Your Grace Duke Idden,

We are making our final preparations and will be on location in a few short days. The adventurers are keenly aware of the mission. They have my confidence and I am proud to be among them.

To those forces that make ready and guard over the circles - the world thanks you, the adventurers thank you, and I thank you. You make possible the way for this world to be saved.
To the fathers and mothers, the daughters and sons - I solute you as heroes.

It will be good to fight along side Bonded Guardsman Fern Woods again. Thank you for allowing his absence from his normal royal duties.

To the bringing of the Dawn, I wish us all Strength and Honor!

Walk with Honor,
Sir Victor von Gryphon
Knight of the Stayed Blade