Theodore Giles and 'Zodiacs'


Public Relations Committee

It is of the upmost importance that anyone with any information on the locations of any instruments crafted by the bard Theodore Giles or any information regarding the entities known as the ‘Zodiacs’ contact me at once. Even the smallest amount of information in this matter will help my investigation. I have been tasked with seeing this issue though to the end. If we do not start sharing the information that we have on this issue, the threat will only grow in severity.

Sera FallingStar
Sera Fallingstar,

Not to be nitpicky, but I'm afraid combing the phrase 'We need to share information' followed quickly by 'Send me all you know' is a bit disingenuous and not as likely to provoke the response you are looking for.

-Enan Bluewater.
Lord Bluewater,

I have been intrusted with the responsibility to resolve this issue. I need information to be sent to me as the dreaming is public and therefore cannot be trusted with certian information. Librara has already killed many and he will continue to kill more. I will not make the same mistakes that were made during the Vampire Wars and spread our knowledge on the dream. Therefore I trust the judgment of those that have any infomation to share it privately so that we do not expose ourselves and our strageties in this upcoming conflict. I plan on making the next market day and will openly share with all who stay up late into Saturday.

Sera FallingStar
Might I suggest a Friday night meeting then? Since I am now a lord I do not feel right running them as I have always noted that any attendance is voluntary. As the local knight you could step in to fill that void. This would allow for information given to be reciprocated quickly and ensure people are more comfortable that their contribution to the story will not mean they end up being left out of a full understanding as has unfortunately happened all to often in the past.

I am glad you have been entrusted to resolve this issue, but the phrasing of such in my mind makes me worry that this will be not a joint effort, but instead another instance were a single person wants to lead the town into dangerous territory and fails to properly spread the information.

A late night meeting Saturday may likely be too late, if you wish to present this a joint venture that travelers, locals, and the adventuring population needs to do together, the information must come first, in advance and be an even share, not a matter of all the tidbits entering a single book.

That said, you are a Knight, if you wish to undertake this, you have the authority to demand participation in endeavors, just remember that in doing so you take upon yourself the responsibility for such an undertaking.

We need to move to the information coming first, at least a day ahead of time so there is time to follow up with things. To often we've been running from emergency to emergency with only a ten minute description while we prepare to run to our potential deaths.

Take the lead in this Sera, Don't ask the good people of Fairfax to repeat the mistakes of Thuddington, make sharing information the priority, not the cost we pay hesitantly when we feel we have to.

-Enan Bluewater
Well Said Lord Bluewater. The sharing of information and having adequate communication is the key to well developed action.

Let me share my bit of information of this Theodore Giles, or The Zodiac Bard as you call him. This is a man, specifically a Romani who hunted down my comrades 500 years ago and imprisoned us within his so called masterpieces. One by one he took down my brothers and sisters unprovoked. To think we did so much for you Sentient beings and this is how you treat us? The Libarian Empire under general Leons command is the reason you all live so peaceful today. If you even bothered to understand the true history, the history that never made it to the light of day then you'd appreciate our actions more.

The Libarian Empire doesn't want to conquer anyone. We want to live in peace, we want a land that we can call our own, to rule ourselves without being targets of the likes of you who slaughter, yes, slaughter is the word; who slaughter us for no reason, no communication, and no mercy.

When we occupied Westhaven we didn't kill the locals unless we were attacked first. A dozen of them were simply killed because you wouldn't even consider communication. I gave a single lizardman a note that said we'd leave without conflict. On the back of that folded note I wrote something else, "I'm assuming you're going to kill this lizardman and prove my point, if you do, I will send 12 people to the Earth Circle". Not even taking the note you SLAUGHTERED the messenger. Communication is laughable. Lord Bluewater, I applaud your efforts but this bunch only seeks one action, the death of every non-sentient being that isn't a member of the 14; as I still view Dryads as one of us, as Aquari was a valued sister.

If you want to talk, I'll talk. I have no intention of fighting you and I guarentee you have absolutely no hope of defeating me or imprisoning me. I'd turn your whole town to stone to display within my garden before you even get a glimmer of results.

As for the former Baron, we had an agreement, 1 on 1 combat to the death, the winner remains in Westhaven. It's not my fault I can't die, but the late Baron did put up an excellent fight. It was a true honor duel, but the scales were tipped heavily in my favor.

If you want me, you'll have to find me---communication or combat, the choice is yours...

Magistrate Libara
The Scales of Justice
I will never entertain a discussion under the threat of an illegal assault upon the lands. If you wish to be recognized petition the king, until that time I will waste no time giving you openings, you will never gain anything from me by assaulting the people, ever. If you think that my morality and honor is subject to your actions, you will waste a great deal of time.

-Enan Bluewater
Recently in The Sheltered Lands we, with the help of a man, developed a method of protecting our dreams from those that should not see it. Perhaps something similar should be done in your lands Lidda, Enan? Though I admit I know very little on how it was truly achieved and if it is even possible in another land. I do know though it has helped the sharing and cooperation in our town of adventurers immensely. If you wish to know more, contact me in private.

-Thorador Boulderfist
Sera Fallingstar,

I, for one am glad to have you back Liddia. Even though the adventurers and their have moved southwest of Thudington to the troubled West-Haven and no longer dwell within my Duchy I keep all of you very close to mind. I have a task for you to undertake, if you would delay your arrival to West-Haven by a day, that better matches your skill-set than mine.

As always, my thanks for taking on your away mission you have in recent months at the request of the crown. I know foreign travel can be tasking. Your input at my court has been missed.


Jocelyn Raash
Duke of Briarpass

PS- I am sorry I have been unable despite the return of my magics to find your son. I will continue to try at each new moon.