Well Said Lord Bluewater. The sharing of information and having adequate communication is the key to well developed action.
Let me share my bit of information of this Theodore Giles, or The Zodiac Bard as you call him. This is a man, specifically a Romani who hunted down my comrades 500 years ago and imprisoned us within his so called masterpieces. One by one he took down my brothers and sisters unprovoked. To think we did so much for you Sentient beings and this is how you treat us? The Libarian Empire under general Leons command is the reason you all live so peaceful today. If you even bothered to understand the true history, the history that never made it to the light of day then you'd appreciate our actions more.
The Libarian Empire doesn't want to conquer anyone. We want to live in peace, we want a land that we can call our own, to rule ourselves without being targets of the likes of you who slaughter, yes, slaughter is the word; who slaughter us for no reason, no communication, and no mercy.
When we occupied Westhaven we didn't kill the locals unless we were attacked first. A dozen of them were simply killed because you wouldn't even consider communication. I gave a single lizardman a note that said we'd leave without conflict. On the back of that folded note I wrote something else, "I'm assuming you're going to kill this lizardman and prove my point, if you do, I will send 12 people to the Earth Circle". Not even taking the note you SLAUGHTERED the messenger. Communication is laughable. Lord Bluewater, I applaud your efforts but this bunch only seeks one action, the death of every non-sentient being that isn't a member of the 14; as I still view Dryads as one of us, as Aquari was a valued sister.
If you want to talk, I'll talk. I have no intention of fighting you and I guarentee you have absolutely no hope of defeating me or imprisoning me. I'd turn your whole town to stone to display within my garden before you even get a glimmer of results.
As for the former Baron, we had an agreement, 1 on 1 combat to the death, the winner remains in Westhaven. It's not my fault I can't die, but the late Baron did put up an excellent fight. It was a true honor duel, but the scales were tipped heavily in my favor.
If you want me, you'll have to find me---communication or combat, the choice is yours...
Magistrate Libara
The Scales of Justice