There was once a girl, I felt I'd know forever


Chicago Staff
Friends not yet met,

My name is Edgar Saban, once a great Admiral under Lech upon the Isle now referred to as the Isle of Thonesh. You bestowed upon my master a great gift, and I wish I could reward you for it; but instead I have a request. In the basement of Lech's Keep lies the remains of my wife, long dead. There are things of her memories I wish to have back, however there are certain barriers in place preventing me from entering our old quarters.

I ask, no, I softly plea for help in this matter. Your time and effort will be greatly rewarded. I shall send a messanger to gather those interested on the night of the 19th day. Should you have questions prior, please send a pigeon to my location at Lech's Keep.

Thank you,
Edgar Saban

I know your pain of memories lost. Memories taken away. I will answer your plea. Send your messenger to me and I will make sure you get the help you need to get her things returned to you.

Squire Siril
I wanted to give a long overdue thanks to those that helped me get through the basement of Lech's Keep. I was able to acquire a piece of the song that I wrote for my beloved so long ago--however I can't remember the rest of it.

I know there are at least 2 more cooridors unexplored that I can not get past. I would be gracious if a few groups could assist me.

Again, thank you to the following:

I feel there may have been another or 2, but my memory is not what it is. Besides the rewards already given, should I recover the memory of my beloved, I shall reward you with one of my most treasured relics.

- Edgar Saban
Happy to help! I'm a sucker for a good love song, so let's find those remaining pieces together!

-Sam Gemclipper
Again, I feel I simply can not wait much longer. For those that helped me before, you know why I can not enter my old rooms below the Keep. However, I most certainly can aid you in what lies below. Please seek me out just shy of Midnight on the 27th day of this month. There are 2 more corridors to clear out, but I'm afraid they lead to dangers I myself could not take care of alone. Whatever spoils you find, are yours of course, I simply want to remember that remember...her.

There is a path leading to the Menagerie, which seems to contain a lot of collections by my former Master. It was simply too strong for me to clear out to the main hall, even with my squad.

The other hall is more for the mind, for this corridor leads through the old--investigator chamber and past the Alchemist primary lab, where I'm sure he's been rotting for over 500 years.

Thank you for those wishing to help.

-Edgar Saban