This is clearly not Valdanis....


It appears my abilities to navigate through the mist require a bit more honing yet...

Hail to anyone about that might be friendly,

My name is Enan Bluewater, a traveling barrister and healer, might there be a inn where I could rest this weekend, and perhaps reprovision before I try my hand at navigating the mists once more?

- Enan
I have been referred to as "friendly" as least a few times in my life, though I fear I can help you with little else. I have no experience in navigating the mist, other than ending up here from Tyrra. I, like you, am a healer (sans barrister), but can provide no specific lodging for you in my room. There should be multiple beds, however, in the main living quarters, that you should be able to occupy for free. If you require a Ward, I believe Casan can provide you with one for a minimal fee. The food is usually well liked (I don't personally partake), and the townspeople have all shown me (a recent addition to the town population) a great deal of kindness. If you have any questions, either Casan or our mayor, a tall, lanky elf named Stremthi (Strehm-thee), should be able to help you in more detail.

Reliance Earth Guild

Although I would love to be there to greet you, unfortunately my company obligations are going to keep me away from this gathering. Allie is correct that Casan should be able to help with a place to stay.

Travel safely and in numbers in our lands--they tend to be deadly.

Best regards,

Stremthi Wayfound
Lost Wonders Trading Company