This just happened.

¡yo! WoW totally fell through a timewarp - booyah!

Okay, now that I've calmed down...OMG!OMG!OMG!

My dreams of dispensing the Emperor's justice wont be confined to the local gamestore anymore.
Agreed. I am deeply dissatisfied with Dawn of War 2, and would love to see a faithful recreation of tabletop 40k.
I would be interested in what would be a 'faithful recreation' - turn based combat? Your units extend a mighty measuring tape before moving and firing? :)
Well you can find recreations of the table top experience in 40k: Final Liberation, its a PC Game that came out awhile ago. IG/SM vs Ork Invasion.

However I wouldnt just call it WoW with WH40k skins until we know what the game play will actually be. Otherwise you may as well label every MMO that will come out a WoW clone.
Megamek looks interesting, like I said though, you'll find the tabletop system recreated rather well in Final Liberation.

FL is confined though to one planet. Megamek looks to be rather varied, and does appear to be all community based. It would be awesome if that could be implemented for WH40K, but I doubt that so much as GW would most likely have a fit of epic proportions considering its a live license where as BT is well... stagnant to dead (not counting the Mechwarrior reboot until its done).
My understanding is that FL is based on Epic, not tabletop standard, so, you know, way bigger scale. Plus, you know, Orcs v SM is rather limiting. But I might check it out, and see what's what.

Megamek was fairly fun back when I played. The downside was that it's entirely fan-designed (and therefore dependent on the whims of the fanbase), and graphically rather dull. On the upside, it's near-completely functional, and that's what I generally feel would be missing.

I suspect a fully-functional 40k game is hindered not so much by the live-development aspect of the game, so much as such a system with strong graphics would impact their ability to sell models: the product line that is really the bread-and-butter of the franchise.

I kind of tend towards a certain level of gameplay purity. I like my 40k to be tabletop 40k. Designing a functional, or even great, game and slapping some franchising on it generally just ticks me off, for the most part (Fallout 3 being the notable exception, in my book). For me to be excited about a 40k-franchise game, it needs to essentially allow me to play 40k with friends or strangers across the map that I don't necessarily have the opportunity to hang with in-person, plus, you know, hey, not have to buy all the friggin' models (i.e. include all the army lists, not just SM v O). To get me fanboy-excited, maybe it would allow me to customize my army with assorted color and design-schemes, and allow me to zoom in for a "squad-view" to determine which targets are viable or not, I dunno. (Necromunda in this fashion would be hawt.)
markusdark said:
I would be interested in what would be a 'faithful recreation' - turn based combat? Your units extend a mighty measuring tape before moving and firing? :)
0.0 That would be HILARIOUS! Oh, don't forget having to buy all of your armies!