Since so many people are reading this, I wanted to make some things clear. This is not a fell gameday. For now, the fell realm is locked away, upwind as it might be now that the doors swing wide the other way (those of you on that mod know what I mean).
However its still a phil gameday and as such, will be mostly away and outside of normal plot, will involve some hikeing around the park. Also since we seem to have some people who have never been to my gamedays a few things.
1) I often show up early or right on time so I can scope out the park. If you want to talk to me early, just come on by.
2) I am plot but not staff. Aka I can sign things and do bad things to your PCs, but I dont do logistics, collect the money, or other staff things.
3) My gamedays are often places for normal staff to get to play. So the NPCs you might normaly have access to will be unavalable if that staff member is playing.