Thorador and Tazoulti

Thanks for breaking open the rocks for me. I owe you both 7 silver.

Don't forget you have failed to pay everyone else who helped you retrieve those ores and motes. If your word is no good, please do not expect me to work for you in the future.
i do remember a promise that we would be compensated for what we returned with... as well as mcgregor owes me a silver and 7 copper (from change from a drink and for part of the loot he bought)
I must also express some concern on your promise to us Fern. I thought it was inappropriate for Hoblings to break such promises?
- Allendra
I was assuring the craftsman I hired who did the work to break open the ores since that was a side project not announcing that you didn't get a share.

The nature of dealing in the small gems and obsidian which were yielded through Thorador and Tazoulti's work in breaking open the gems is that you have to find a dealer in such things. I've already started offloading some of the less expensive items but with a few of the more valuable stones I want to make sure I get you guys, and me of course, the most value for your own hard work.

As of now, the ice stones are worth relatively little though I considered polishing and selling them as innovative ice cubes that don't melt. If any of you want one let me know, I cant think of much to do with them. I am looking for the world renowned potion master Sea Azaka to look into their properties and I am doing some research from an alchemical standpoint. If its found they have value then I'll make sure your all compensated.

If that doesn't work for you, contact me privately or come to my shop in the village and we can arrange an immediate payout. I just thought you guys might like to see closer to gold a piece for your work instead of 2-3 silver. If I was wrong in assuming that, I apologize to you and will gladly pay for your share out of pocket.

You'll all note I didn't take a split from the treasure we all relieved from the creatures, heck I have no idea what it amounted to.

Hoblings keep their words, I have no need of breaking mine for a few coins those can be replaced easily, customers and friends are for life. :)

Fair Nuff?

Fern Woods
sorry to cast the suspicion, i should've trusted yer

-James the inconceivable of Harbors far
Ah you bring up a good point Fern - I apologize for my misguided suspicions.
Your rather quick to drop accusations, this is Fern you are talking about.

Fern, I would like documents on your research of any alchemical properties....I have a database to maintain and all alchemy research is my current task to acquire.

Also......Where are my bags.

- D'rezz

(OOG: If I can get those bags back before Chicago that would be rad)
I found it is best not to make enemies with people in positions of power. Even if the whole system seems jaded and corrupt.
denise_eviana said:
I found it is best not to make enemies with people in positions of power. Even if the whole system seems jaded and corrupt.

I for one, hope that you do not feel that I or the Guardians are treating you unfairly. We are doing our best - please remember we are acting in the best interests of supporting Hope's Reach be a thriving community. As Auedis, my apprentice and myself can attest, it's very easy for a community to tear itself apart with disagreements and dwindle away through attrition as individuals abandon their community support on account of such disagreements. And this is what I wantto prevent by working with the Guardians and the members of this community. If you or anyone else has any problems, please feel free to come to me or one of the other Guardians for assistance.

- Tazoulti Strongbeard
tazoulti said:
denise_eviana said:
I found it is best not to make enemies with people in positions of power. Even if the whole system seems jaded and corrupt.

I for one, hope that you do not feel that I or the Guardians are treating you unfairly. We are doing our best - please remember we are acting in the best interests of supporting Hope's Reach be a thriving community. As Auedis, my apprentice and myself can attest, it's very easy for a community to tear itself apart with disagreements and dwindle away through attrition as individuals abandon their community support on account of such disagreements. And this is what I wantto prevent by working with the Guardians and the members of this community. If you or anyone else has any problems, please feel free to come to me or one of the other Guardians for assistance.

- Tazoulti Strongbeard
Oh I did not mean to place any fears into your mind Tazoulti. I trust most everyone in Hope's Reach and I appreciate that most in power are not abusing it! I only have a few suspicions - and they may be unfounded. Also - admittedly some thoughts were stewing in my mind that influenced the tone of my words (which I apologize for). It was my first time in Hopes Reach this past gathering and it would be unfair for me to judge everyone so quickly - for you all welcomed me with open arms :D
Again I apologize, I do not mean to come off as untrusting or lacking gratitude to those who help and support Hope's Reach.
From experience, I believe Allendra was speaking of where we traveled from and not of Gaden. I have personally only met McGregor, but if the rest of the guardians are half as noble as he, I find myself satisfied.