Thoughts on last weekend

Now that I've had time to sleep and decompress, my thoughts for the weekender, and Alliance Seattle
First off, Monster Camp
Everything was organized, the costumes and tabbards were easy to find and taken care of, even on day 3 of the event. Monster stat cards were easy to find (until people stopped returning them. I'm thinking the rain may have devoured some of them) and easy to read.
The marshals all knew their stuff. Directions were quick and to the point, and enough leeway was given to the NPC's that we had flexibility in engaging the PC's.
Speaking of the PC's....great players all around. People thanked us NPC's for being there, engaged us when we were in our townie personas, and in the midst of the mass melee on Sunday (2 hours...solid...fighting and re spawning...glorious!) there was only the occasional safety hold, people were disappointed at a character death, but took it in stride.
The costuming and props were great, people stayed in character as much as possible, and a great time was had by all.
My fellow NPC's took my lack of experience with this system in stride, I was given easy to understand characters, detailed effects were explained (The lizards were a blast to play!) and I met some great LARPers who live in the Beaverton area. Win all around!
It's good to be back to LARPing, y'all are pretty awesome
Next up, Guilding and then heading to the Oregon event next month!
it was great to see you and all the new NPCs and PCs at the game.
Look forward to either seeing you again at Oregon *or* maybe one of these upcoming weekend sparring practices.
I need all the practice I can get, I'm up for sparring practice. I'll be NPCing next months event as well to get a better idea of the mood and which of my character concepts to build for PCing
Gotta say, it hurt a lot this weekend. In many, many ways. But it wasn't hurting for amazing gameplay.