Threats dealt with first October gathering


Public Relations Committee

Other than
Kyomushi Nekatomi Gyzan being annihilated and Merna dissipating; who else and what other threats were dealt with specificity?

Lady FallingStar
Plague now has a cure, and it's a fourth circle Earth spell. To cast it, you must be taught ((note - it does take a teacher card)).

Circle Master Eric Marsters
Thank you Eric,

Anything else of note?

Lady FallingStar
YEAH! What does it do!?

Some minor happenings:
-A small goblin clan called B-Boulder, intent on claiming the town, was eliminated. Surrender and parlay was offered and refused.
-A mine was cleared out of spiders which were attacking the workers.
-A great mushroom worshiping Kazzak was defeated, but sadly escaped before it could be destroyed.
-A human necromancer named Reginald Wraithbone was arrested. He was searching for his sister, Ramona, at the last known location that he was able to ascertain with a vision ritual. He was found at a barn with an active Domain of the Dead, which he could not enter. We destroyed any undead until no more emerged from the barn, but still bears investigation. After checking back to the jail, it appears Ser Morningtusk has executed him, and he has resurrected elsewhere.
-We aided in freeing a town in Arkland from infectious frogs, as well as rescue a trapped family. The few adventurers that were infected were swiftly cured.

I believe there has been a change in the situation with Ramona Wraithbone, but I do not know any details.

May your Hearthfire burn strong, and your tankard endless!

~Sheriff Draco Ardel
That third item seems to be more important than a minor thing, well done, Thank you for the update Sheriff

-Lord Enan Bluewater
Yes, well done Sheriff Ardel. Can I get more information on Menra and the Illusti?

Lady FallingStar
To my knowledge, Menra did more than just dissipate. He aged and disintegrated into a pile of ash. Also Cecil escaped the fight.

May your Hearthfire burn strong, and your tankard endless!

~Sheriff Draco Ardel
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Pardon me, Lady Fallingstar, but what is the Illusti?

~Terra Jane
The Elosdi are those toothy frog things we fought, Terra!

~ Silp
The Elosdi and Menra are gone.

Ser Siril
Thank you for the clarification Ser Siril. How many vampires died?

Lady FallingStar