Time to Catch Up

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff

With the exception of my visit to the Five Kingdoms through the mists, I have been focusing more on my studies and a quieter life rather than adventuring the last couple of years, but I suppose that it would probably be good for me to stretch my legs a bit and return for a little while. With three siblings gone now, Shadow's Light is wounded, but we are not broken, and I can't help but feel I should start pulling my weight a little more and offering assistance to my remaining brothers and the adventurers in general.

That said, I have been gone for a while now and, with the exception of dealings with the Empire, a few current events, and what I have been able to learn of the adventurers' situation from the dream realm, I am assuredly quite behind the times. I am certain there are many happenings that I am not up to speed on, as well as many new faces I am not familiar with.

So, tell me: What's been happening?

If I haven't met you, go ahead and introduce yourself. I'm Gandian. I have no idea how well-known I still am these days.

On a related note, if anyone needs any ritual casting of a Celestial nature accomplished when I return soon, I am not as powerful in the formal arts as my brother Asura or my late brother Dure'dhel, but I am more than sufficient for most casual ritual castings. I've learned from the finest Celestial formalists in the Sheltered Lands and have been known to put on a sufficiently interesting show of things when it comes to rituals, so contact me if you are interested and we can discuss casting(s).

May the Light guide you, the Shadow guard your path, your Words have Power, and your Memories be Knowledge,
~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Magus of Tempered Rage
Gandian...? good to hear from you, i had heard that you left this world, hope to see you at the upcoming market day.( one-day event.)

Good evening Gandian Ravenscroft!

I am Innoxius the Healer, a practitioner of Earthen magic on the cusp of performing my first ritual. I have been a student of magical theory at the Tunarian Academy for most of my life and only recently joined in with the adventuring community and Gaden Earth Guild. To that end, I have read from cover to cover your published work, "The Codex of Known Corruption", so your name is well-known still to those who seek knowledge. My goal in adventuring is to create a similar anthology focused on Necromancy and everything one can possibly know about it, including historical and currently active necromancers of the Sheltered Lands, the myriad types and variations of undead creatures, as well as Chaos magic and rituals. This is in no small part inspired by your work. I look forward to many conversations and adventures with you!

-Innoxius the Healer
Being one of a persuasion twardz zeh acquisition of knowledge yet only recently arriving in Gaden myzelf I elected to only listen to this dreaming but vith thiz information brought to light I am wondering if I could perhapz browse a copy of your book Magus Gandian or if it exsists somewhere within zeh dreaming you might make it known to me. As for you Innoxius, I do not believe we have met though I vould be most interested on working vith such an undertaking with you. Even dark knowledge iz one worth pursuing if only for knowing zeh weaknesses of zeh dark.

Beryl R.T. Apprentice to Warlock Roy Gallentine of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Likewise, if anyone has anything of strategical importance they wish to bring up, you can send a carrier to the Earth Guild of Horizon, where I can gather it with information from others.

Gandian, it'll be good to have you around for a bit.

Lord Asher Oakheart
Healer of the Earth Guild of Gaden

Glad to make your acquaintance and glad you enjoy my writings. I've been thinking about making an updated edition of the Codex for some time, and maybe since I'll be back around on occasion, now would be a good time for that. I wish you well with your endeavor, though a piece of advice: Don't let a vampire bite you in order to learn more about vampires. That will go poorly for you.

Apprentice Beryl,

Once I go through and create my updated edition, I will be more than willing to get a copy of my works to you.

Lord Asher,

It will no doubt be good to be back. Let me know if there's anything you know I would be good at assisting you with.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft

It is good to hear that at least some of those I remember meeting are still alive! I would hope that my cousin will take your advice to heart regarding vampires, as it would be a shame to have to leave another pair of smoking boots standing in a field... no matter how entertaining it was to see it happen to the Forsaken. Hopefully we will meet again, as it seems I will be passing time in the Sheltered Lands this year given the early thaw and promise of a pleasant spring!

- Nikolai Volyaich Terniaeanu Rudari

It has been a long while indeed since we last met. If my memory serves me correctly (which it usually does), the last time I saw you was even before Shadow's Light was formed! A lot of progress and changes have occurred since your last meeting with the adventurers, so you will certainly have a lot of exciting news to catch up on when you visit.

~ Gandian Ravenscroft
Gandian. It's good to hear from you!
It will be good to be adventuring with you.
I will be out once the ice melts and it gets a bit warmer.
I have have been working on Celestial magic.
See you soon my friend.