Time to move on East


Chicago Staff
To those of Buckland,

I wanted to thank you for your hospitality over the last year. You have allowed me and my company to set up camp on the outskirts of Fairsdale and help rid the land of taint. It feels good to simply so things for the land that help out the commoners. My company was able to rid an entire barony of undead, and defeated various monstrous creatures that had plagued the road going into Arcland.

To those that bought us a drink, slipped a few coins for escorting caravans, and offered information I thank you all. My company and I are always happy to help out the people of the land and are always in service to the nobility. I may be far away from my home land, but a knights duty to the people and country will always remain.

To Duchess Fairfax and Baron Davis, you allowed us to remain in your lands for the past year and have been nothing but welcoming.

To our neighbors: Art and Jane Berma, Harold Blum, Clancy White, Sharon Slake and Filbert Fillamug; we were happy to help out around your farmsteads in exchange for food and drink. I truly hope your crops wield great results, and to Clancy, if your pumpkin doesn’t win biggest in Wayside, then I may have words with the other guy! Ha ha!

Finally, I wanted to thank those that have helped me in my quest the last few years in Briarpass and Buckland, Neolani, Nahani, Mordahg, my apprentice that left these lands Mr. Biff Stirling, Sam and The Company and all others I missed giving my gratitude. However, there is one person I want to thank most of all, for without her, I don’t know what I would have done. Arsita, I hope you become the finest Grand Master Alchemist in all of Terna someday and I hope your quest to create the stone goes well. Who knows, you might even give Cass a run for his money! Truly though, thank you.

I leave now for Eastwood, as I hear it’s eastern borders could use the help of my company. Although we are moving on, you can always stop by for a visit. It’s been a pleasure.

Stahn Revan
I also wish to once again extend my experience in training to those that seek to remove taint from these lands. For elementals, undead and chaotic magic has ravaged Wayside for far too long. I wish to end that, my band wishes to end that, and help all those in desperate need. To those of martial skill, of those who do not rely upon magic to win victories I invite you to train with my band over the winter. In 4 months, you will gain more martial knowledge than you could hope to achieve in many lifetimes.

We will not head out until the end of the month, so you may find us in Fairsdale until we move eastward.

-Stahn Revan