To All Adventurers, by Imperial Request

Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
By Imperial Request,

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Adventuring community, the Emperor and Council call upon you to aid in the recovery of the Empire. At present there are regions of great unrest and our forces are run thin.  The irregular and dishonorable war tactics of the Brotherhood of Scales have drawn out our wartired forces.  Our soldiers and sailors fight valiantly for their home and families,  but we have need of your help.

The occurrences at Fury Falls require your attention and assistance. Let it be known that the Tsedeq Harpy Vasilissa has named, the Harpy warleader, Eldara an outcast. She and her band are to be captured and brought for Imperial Justice. The Empire and the Tsedeq Vasilissa have an Accord and the renegade Eldara shall not be given quarter.  Eldara and her second in command are considered removed of their protected status. The followers of Eldara's warband, the Exucia, will be given the right to surrender. If aggression continues they too will be given no quarter.

Let it be known that those bearing the mark of tipped scales are members of the Brotherhood of Scales. They are considered extremely dangerous. By Imperial order, the members of the Brotherhood of Scales are stripped of citizens' rights and will be tried as murderers and traitors.

The Emperor and Council empower the local military commanders to work with the Adventurers and have a Civilian Reeve be elected of their members to speak as a leader. Cooperative efforts between military and adventurers must be made in order to bring justice, order, and peace back to our lands. The Magistrates and Gentry shall make ready lodgings and provisions for a gathering upon the 11th day of Kaiyir through the 13th.

We give thanks for your efforts and the lands of the Empire are humbled by your aid.

In Service,
Osric Ironhammer, Scribe of the Empire

On behalf of the Emperor and the Council of Betters