To All Landowners, Merchants, Traders, and Craftsman


As you all know, the area of Hope's Reach has recently come back under direct protection of the crown. With the arrival of the new Baron and the security and public works that he represents, it is my offices duty to prepare for the eventual taxation of those properties, holdings, incomes, and heads as the Baron sees fit to recover the costs associated with his men and the maintenance of his household.

I would therefore request that all business peoples, land owners, and residents of Hope's Reach submit to a census of personages, incomes from businesses and merchanting, and and land holdings within the area of his Barony and Abroad but within Gaden.

This request is made in good faith assuming that all adventurers and good folk of Hope's reach are lawfull people who will quickly and expediently respond to this request. Failure to do so is a breach of law and will carry full penalty up to and including, forteiture of property, fines and incarseration. Please do us both a favor and simply provide this information to me.

My office can handle any questions or concerns that arise from this request.

Kind Regard,

Fern Woods
Sheriff of Hope's Reach
Sheriff Fern Woods,

Do you need report wins and losses from gambling and other betting? Is same as income for tax?

-Cho Ko Nu
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Cho Ko Nu,

I don't think gambling exchanges are considered income unless requested by the baron. If you run a gambling establishment as the "house" then you should indicate that you do and I'll contact you regarding the specifics.


Sheriff Woods
Does owning a workshop or two count as owning property?
Also what counts as merchanting? How many people in town is this likely to effect?

-Thorador Boulderfist
Wot exactly can we expect t' receive from our tax dollars? Will I be safe to wander freely now? Can I expect the dissolution of the corrupt at the barons 'ands? Will I be payin' for peace or a fancier pocket linin' for a man with a ti'le?

In short, wot will 'is men an' the main'enance of 'is 'ousehold do for us?

I wasn't at the gatherin' so if any of this was explained there I would love t' hear a summary.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
That is a question i would like to hear the answer to as well. Where do the taxes go?

-James the Inconceivable of Harbors Far
Taxes are used to build better roadways, fund armies, fort upkeep, and fund plenty of other 'free' services many folks enjoy. Some of the money will most likely be used for the upkeep of Lord Idden's household, but that isn't a bad thing as some of you seem to imply. As far as 'wot will 'is men' do, what do you think? They must be paid like any other person to keep the local populace safe. They have a dangerous job, most soldiers do not have the "financial opportunities" that seem so common with adventurers, and at the end of the day they have families to feed. While I can't go so far as to say they will keep things boringly safe for you adventurers, as you seem to breed your own trouble and fights, they will continue to keep off the majority of the onslaught of the corrupt and keep ordinary folks safer than they were without the structure of a Barony.

Lady Grey
sounds like a good deal to me. thanks. has the tax rate been agreed upon? i make quite a bit of money and do not yet know how much i should be paying into the coffers

-James the Inconceivable.
If me not do permanent business in Baron's land yet (me in another place now, but not say where in dreamlands for all see), should report when set-up business there in future? Me maybe not back for many moons.

-Cho Ko Nu
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Chokonu, James, Alyce

If you don't have any established business ventures, land holdings, or plant assets such as a shop, house, or other structure, set up yet in Hope's Reach's jurisdiction than you don't have to report it to me at this time. If you do, then please send either records or come to my office and see either myself or my deputy.

The Baron has not yet chosen what tax schedule or form to use yet. I will make that information available as soon as I have it of course.


Fern Woods
Sheriff of Hope's Reach