To all of Briarpass:

Grazie. Once again, grazie. To dhe adventurers who came and to dhe people who cared enough to help and to Padraig putting on fine meals for us all.

I am at a loss for words, which is rare for me. I can t'ink of not'ing dhat can express dhe gratitude in my heart for dhe changes I see in Briarpass. Finally seeing t'ings turn for dhe better after so many times turning for dhe bad.

Dhere is much to be done. But now, I believe it can be done.

Fortune and Love Fore'er,

Like I said Marcena, it takes time and things will move. It is not the end and don't ever let things get to you like before. You have friends and family that care about you and will help you get through most things. Also yes we still have alot of work to go and is not the best time to pat our backs and break out the parties (to bad too).

I also hope you got some good portaits of you and Kevar while he was more colorful :D

See you again soon