To All of Frost Fang Pass


To All Refugees,

I am sorry for I have failed our King, I am sorry I failed to act more swiftly, I apologize for taking so long to come to terms with my inability to finish this war with a simple wave of a wand....above all, my heart aches for our lost homes, and our lost peoples. To the elves of Maladonia, I have now failed you twice, twice ancient evil has sought to violate your lands and twice I have been fooled into inaction and let your lands and homes be taken by foes.

My apologies, and deepest regrets for my failures as a Knight, and as a citizen of our Kingdom.

I will not let my mistakes stand, I will not sit idly and wait for orders not forthcoming. I will act, boldly and relentlessly you have my promise.

To all Volunteers,

I call upon all those with any amount of fighting or scouting skill and all healers willing to mend wounds. I will be opening up my personal treasury to help outfit and train a militia unit attached to my command.

Our foes outnumber, outsupply and in many ways outpower us so our mission will be the defense of the pass and the unending harassment of Reaper supply lines, and scouting of our foe. I will support the training and outfitting of these units personally and will back up any strikes against hardened or well defended foes.

We will together wreck their supply lines, weaken their grasps on their slave armies, and draw them into conflict on our terms. We will take supplies to bolster our defense until our backs strain and burn the rest to the ground to deny them to our enemies. Let's take this war to them and fight on our terms, with our strengths at the fore. We will not rest until our homes are safe and our families can rest soundly at night. We can, together let the reapers know this was the wrong place to make war upon.

I know not all will be safe and there will be loses, but I will make those sacrifices count, I will make your lives worth their weight in gold to the reapers.


I will respect your wishes, I will abide by your plan, but only once I am certain our blow will strike true and your life energies not wasted foolishly. Hold on until then, I know the pain is great but hold on. I promise I will try to rebuilt you.

To All,

I know I am not the leader many of you would have wished for, and I will not hold it against any who do not wish to fight at my side...but I will fight until this war is over for me regardless of the outcome...and I bet the free people of Valdanis would do the same.

With Honor,

Sir Jehan Wyldweaver
Vassal Knight
Brotherhood of Lifestorm
Lord of Anthrexia
LT Royal Valdian Naval Vessel: Lifestorm
Warlord of Maladonia
I don't know much about kings and knights besides what I have read in books. Any many of my thoughts on the matter would no doubt be ofensive. but there are some I have to say anyway. This crisis is not your fault Jehan. Not taking action like you think you should have is also not your fault. You are a knight. You are used to following orders from a higher up noble or the king. That is what you where trained to do. No the fault here lays on the king. A king who does not appoint a sucesser, even a temporary one in case they are incapacitated is, pardon my words, foolish. A leaders job is to think ahead in how to support their people. Please tell me that there was a second in command otherwise I must use basic logic and conclude that the king failed his kingdom. I know many swore aleagence to him but are not those oaths mutual? Does not the king have some responsibility back? I will assist in getting the king back, but I think we should think long and hard before letting him be king again. I will not force my views on anyone however. I just had to get them out. I will fight the reapers, but not for the sake of the king. I will fight for the sake of my home, my family, and the many people I have seen since I started to travel. If the time comes where there is a choice between fighting an army of reapers needlessly to get the king back and fighting reapers to stop the invasion I will be loyalty bound to choose the later. However as long as the path to the end of this invasion and the king remains the same I will fight with you. I hope all those of you who set much in store in loyalty and honer can understand that just as you follow your loyalty and honer to the king my actions in not doing so do not stem from a lack of loyalty and honor but a loyalty and honor as strong as yours, just not to the same thing

So Jehan, I will fight with you. I believe parts of our loyalties go to diferant things from each other but you are a great deal more experienced then I am, and from what I saw of you you have gained my respect.
I am neither king nor queen, but Tansy’s words have struck a chord in my heart. As many of you, I have sworn allegiance to their majesties. But as Tansy points out, I, as a noble, have a responsibility to the people as well. Frost Fang Pass is our home for now and we should, rightly, defend it from those who would seek to do it and those living here harm. I was spared from capture for a reason. I am sure that that reason is for more than to throw feasts and ferry around boxes. I intend to spend much of my time at the refugees’ tent cities scattered around the Pass. I will still come to the tavern from time to time to see what is needed by the adventurers and assist where able. I will also bring news and jobs should I have any. I also have skill as an earth magi and have the ability to cast rituals should there be no one else in town with those abilities. I do not have many guards, but will spare them when I can in the fight against the Reapers.

Do not lose hope, my friends. You have shown that you are strong of will, loyalty, and heart. Should your reason be loyalty to his majesty or to your family and homes, I call upon each of you to search your hearts and find that reason to stand and fight. My reason is all of you.

Together we shall whittle down the enemies’ forces. Together, we shall grind our enemies to dust.

With regards and thanks,
Verra Raynard, Countess of Lochhaven in the Duchy of Concordia
Mr. Jehan,

Hi. I'm Vert. Is this still a problem? I'm interested in fixing it for you. I don't know what a Reaper is (It's not important, you can just tell me before I start).

But, I'll need a list of the important ones. High profile ones. They aren't hive creatures are they? Hive creatures costs extra.

Since they have supply lines, it sounds like they aren't mindless. That's good. Mindless costs extra. I'll need a map with updated supply lines drawn on to it.

Anyways, we can discuss my rate once I've secured you a major victory exempli gratia a higher up tripping, falling down a flight of stairs, and tragically dying. That'd be sad but, you'd be surprised how often it can happen. Especially with a little push.

Payment will then be due after each major victory secured after that.

I accept gold (obviously), magic items, locations of archeological importance (it's got to be a good dig place though), mummy wraps, or ancient artifacts.

Just let me know if you want to get started.


Stop being so damn dramatic and handle your business. I mean geeze, are you writing fiction or putting suckers down? Get to the puppy-dogging and leave the reading material for toilet-time.

A. Runebeard